Calculate what pension you will receive from January 2025

The regular January valuation will improve everyone who receives a pension. That is, not only the old-age pension, but also the disability pension or one of the survivor’s pensions, i.e. widow’s/widower’s or orphan’s pension. In total, this is regarding 2.85 million people.

The average Czech old-age pension will increase by an average of 356 crowns from January 2025, according to the current calculations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. It will exceed the threshold of 21,000 crowns, rising to 21,078 crowns per month.

How much pensions will increase depends on the development of prices and wages. When measuring price growth, the consumption basket of seniors is specifically monitored; sometimes referred to as “retirement inflation”. We already know its amount for the decisive period. We are still estimating wage growth. The final figure is published by the Czech Statistical Office in September.

However, the basic amount of all pensions will probably increase by 290 crowns per month. The percentage part is likely to increase by 0.4 percentage points.

There is no need to apply for a pension increase, the Czech Social Security Administration (ČSSZ) will do it automatically.

Use our pension valuation calculator to calculate how much your pension will increase in January:

“The increase will cost the state budget 12.2 billion crowns. Next year, there will be a deficit of 18.3 billion crowns between income from insurance premiums and expenses for pensions,” said Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Marian Jurečka. He added that over the past 10 years, pensions have grown by 18% more than inflation.

“Nowhere in the surrounding countries over the past few years have pensions grown as dramatically as here. Ten years ago, the pension was roughly half of what it is today. Overall, under our government, pensions have increased by roughly a third. We must also not forget regarding education fees, with which we have increased pensions by 500 for each educated child from the beginning of 2023,” said Minister Jurečka.

He reminded that the pension reform proposal is currently being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies. It includes, for example, shifting the retirement age, as well as a number of other changes and innovations. We wrote more regarding it here: Pension reform has the green light. Twelve changes approved by the government

editorial office of Peníze.CZ

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