Calcium overdose is harmful: stomach problems and kidney stones are possible

  1. 24vita
  2. Nutrition


A healthy adult who eats a balanced diet usually does not develop a calcium deficiency. This, but also an overdose, is harmful to the body.

Do you love cheese and milk? Then you probably don’t suffer from one Calcium deficiency. Healthy people consume a sufficient amount of the mineral through their diet. As the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) informs, adults should eat or drink 700 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium every day. Cow’s milk, yogurt, cheese, green vegetables such as broccoli and calcium-rich mineral water provide particularly high levels of calcium.

According to IQWiG, consuming the following foods throughout the day leads to an intake of around 1,000 milligrams of calcium:

2 slices of wholemeal bread + 2 slices of Gouda or Emmental cheese + 1 portion of broccoli + 2 glasses of mineral water + 1 cup of yogurt (200 g)

Dietary supplements with calcium only in consultation with the doctor

Almost 100 percent of the calcium in the body is found in bones and teeth. If there is a deficiency, bone density decreases and the teeth also become porous.

You should not take dietary supplements without consulting your doctor. Some nutrients can be overdosed. © Arman Zhenikeyev/Imago

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Anyone who suspects that they are not getting enough calcium should consult a doctor. He can use a blood test to find out whether there is a deficiency. Over-the-counter dietary supplements with high doses of calcium should only be taken in consultation with your doctor.

Calcium intake via tablets can lead to kidney stones and vascular calcification if the dosage is over 500 mg/day, according to the consumer advice center. Since many patients take several nutritional supplements, an accidental overdose is also possible, the consumer advice center quotes the German Society for Endocrinology.

However, there are no harmful upper limits for calcium-rich foods.

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Calcium overdose: what symptoms are possible

An excess of calcium is often an incidental finding. But it can also manifest itself through non-specific symptoms. It is even discussed that too much calcium in the blood can have life-threatening consequences.

Possible symptoms of initial hypercalcemia (increased calcium levels in the blood), as reports:

  • fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • Sleep disorders
  • Reduced performance

In advanced stages, very high calcium intake can also lead to kidney stones. As the consumer advice center informs, the heart and circulation could also suffer from too much calcium in the blood. Although arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is not the result of too much calcium, a connection between calcium products and heart attacks or strokes has often been discussed in the recent past, the consumer advice center continues. However, a connection to the consumption of calcium products has not yet been clearly proven.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about medical conditions.



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