For this year 2023, the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales renewed the payslips. A new formula will appear on these.

A small addition from the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales

From July, when you look at your payslip, you will now be able to see a new mention. This is a small formula that will help you get your assists. The latter will therefore benefit recipients of the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales.

Moreover, it concerns all employees. In other words, civil servants and private sector employees will all see this little formula on their payslip. The purpose of this new statement is to facilitate the process of receiving CAF aid.

A big step for employees

The Minister of Solidarity made an announcement which provides more explanations regarding this new mention appearing on pay slips. In effect, Jean-Christophe Combe stressed that this formula will allow recipients of the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales to know each month the exact amount to declare to request the RSA or the activity bonus.

Moreover, he also underlined that this is a concrete step forward on the path towards solidarity at the source. But also, for some, this initiative was made for the sake of transparency. From now on, the beneficiaries will know, through a simple formula, the exact amount of their allowances.

Alarming findings

There is another reason that prompted the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales to introduce this new statement on pay slips. It is regarding reminding the beneficiaries to ask for their social aid linked to the CAF. In fact, according to statistics, regarding one in three households eligible for the RSA would forget to apply for social assistance. The figures are the same for households eligible for the activity bonus. However, we know very well that the current situation is not working in our favour.

Indeed, with galloping inflation, plummeting purchasing power and skyrocketing bills, social assistance is a breath of fresh air allowing us to make ends meet. Speaking of social assistance, it should be remembered that some of them will be late. Indeed, for this year 2023, the payment of certain allowances will be made later.