Cairo: Sadr Al Khidmat Basis celebrates Eid with Gaza refugees in Egypt – Pakistan

Al-Khidmat Basis Pakistan President Dr. Hafeezur Rehman celebrated Eid-ul-Zuha with Gaza refugees in Cairo, capital of Egypt.

President Al-Khidmat met with households affected by the Gaza battle after providing Eid prayers at Tajmal Khamis in Cairo, supplied them with sacrificial meat, and distributed items and Eid items to youngsters. Later, President al-Khidmat additionally visited the wounded in Gaza below therapy in varied hospitals.

It ought to be remembered that Al-Khidmat Basis Pakistan is sacrificing 1600 giant animals and 1300 small animals for the oppressed Palestinian Muslims of Gaza. By which 100 sheep shall be sacrificed in Gaza and Al-Quds, 100 cows in Cairo, Egypt, whereas 1500 cows and 1200 goats shall be sacrificed in Karachi, Pakistan.

The Israeli military introduced a ceasefire in Gaza throughout sure hours

The meat shall be distributed instantly in Gaza and Egypt, whereas the meat from the sacrifice in Pakistan shall be processed and packed in tin packs and despatched to Gaza victims.

Earlier, Dr. Hafeezur Rehman visited the Cattle Farm at Bilbis and inspected the sacrificial animals bought by Al Khidmat Basis. President Al-Khidmat mentioned that Eid is a pageant of happiness and the folks of Pakistan are remembering their Palestinian brothers and sisters within the pleasure of Eid.