Cahors. The “Elders” of Gambetta met again

On Sunday, September 4, the traditional meeting took place which, since 1881, the date of creation of the Amicale, brings together, in a warm atmosphere, the “Older” of the high school and the Gambetta college in the premises of the college, rue Wilson.

The general meeting allowed more than 60 members to meet and, for 45 of them, in the Fénelon room, to take part in the lunch chaired by Doctor Hervé Gomar, gynecologist-obstetrician, who spoke regarding his years at the high school and then of his very dense professional career. The Amicale had the pleasure of counting on the presence of the new principal and her principal collaborators at this lunch.

On this occasion, the Amicale welcomed 6 new members, proof of its vitality and the interest it still arouses following 140 years of existence.

Alumni who wish to join the Amicale are invited to contact it at: [email protected] or by sending a letter to “Amicale des Anciens Collège Gambetta 105 rue Wilson 46000 Cahors”. Membership, unchanged

since 2006, is €15 per year.

On Sunday, September 4, the traditional meeting took place which, since 1881, the date of creation of the Amicale, brings together, in a warm atmosphere, the “Elders” of the Lycée and the Gambetta college in the premises of the college, rue Wilson.

The general meeting allowed more than 60 members to meet and, for 45 of them, in the Fénelon room, to take part in the lunch chaired by Doctor Hervé Gomar, gynecologist-obstetrician, who spoke to us regarding his years at the Lycée and then from his very dense professional career. The Amicale had the pleasure of counting on the presence of the new principal and her principal collaborators at this lunch.

On this occasion, the Amicale welcomed 6 new members, proof of its vitality and the interest it still arouses following 140 years of existence.

Alumni who wish to join the Amicale are invited to contact us, either at the following address: [email protected] or by sending a letter to “Amicale des Anciens Collège Gambetta 105 rue Wilson 46000 Cahors”. Membership, unchanged since 2006, is €15 per year. An annual bulletin retraces the activities of the Amicale.

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