Cagliari, they pretend to be a policeman and a lawyer to defraud an elderly woman – La Nuova Sardegna

Cagliari They pretend to be a policeman and a lawyer to extort money from an elderly woman, alleged scammers are stopped and arrested by the police and the Carabinieri when they board the ship for Civitavecchia.

It happened this evening, August 29. The personnel of the Flying Squad of the Cagliari Police Headquarters and the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Oristano have placed under judicial police custody a 55-year-old and a 51-year-old of Campanian origins, for the hypothesis of the crime of aggravated extortion against an eighty-four-year-old woman.

The two, in collaboration with other unknown persons who acted as telephone operators, had contacted the elderly woman, resident in Villaurbana, near Oristano, yesterday morning, warning her that her daughter had hit a pregnant woman with her car. To prevent the arrest of the relative, two interlocutors, one identifying himself as a carabiniere, the other as a lawyer, had forced the woman, who did not have cash, to hand over numerous gold jewels, including her wedding rings.

The military of the Arma, who intervened at the house, through a meticulous analysis of the video surveillance systems of the area, identified in the afternoon the vehicle used and the features of one of the subjects, immediately branching out the search to the territorial commands and police headquarters of the Island. Personnel of the Flying Squad of Cagliari, believing that the vehicle could embark on a ship departing for Civitavecchia, carried out a long stakeout, tracking down the vehicle, with the two occupants on board, in the access area to the port.

The subjects, who were immediately searched, found several pieces of jewelry, including the two wedding rings extorted from the eighty-four-year-old in the morning and over 1,000 euros in cash. Given the serious evidence collected against them, the two men were jointly placed under judicial police custody by the police and the Carabinieri. Upon completion of the formalities, they were taken to the Uta prison at the disposal of the judicial authorities. Investigations are continuing to establish whether the two men are attributable to other recent criminal events, given the discovery of numerous pieces of jewelry and money.



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