CAF Pays New Aid for Employees with Low Salaries: Simplified Application Process and Financial Support

2023-06-18 14:56:00

In a few weeks, the CAF will set up a new bonus for employees who receive too low a salary…

CAF aid changes formula. After an amount revised upwards for the twenty or so offers it proposes, the Caisse d’Allocation Familiale will offer a bonus for those who receive too low a salary.

CAF reviews the allocation of its aid

Each year, many grants from CAF are not claimed. So, to limit this non-recourse, the procedures will be simplified with a pre-filling of requests.

Indeed, soon, people who benefit from the Active Solidarity Income (RSA), activity bonus and personalized housing assistance (APL) will see the processes simplified. Eh yes.

Each year, unclaimed social benefits from the CAF represent each year a shortfall of 10 billion euros. A colossal sum.

So, to overcome this non-recourse, the government will therefore announce the establishment of a simplified application system. Several tests were therefore carried out in several departments in 2022. As part of the reform of solidarity at source.

A Coordination Committee for Access to Rights (COCOAD), therefore brought together local elected officials, social security funds, but also solidarity associations and administration officials. to follow the progress of this ambitious project.

The redistributed cards

Thus, the CAF system will initially focus on three aids: the active solidarity income (RSA), the activity bonus and personalized housing assistance.

Soon, to simplify procedures for users, CAF will introduce a pre-filled declaration model. As for income tax.

This declaration will be sent directly to CAF to its recipients. This system can thus rely on the data collected by the monthly resource system (DRM). It serves as the basis for calculating allowances.

Moreover, to facilitate this pre-filled declaration procedure, a new line will be added to the payslip. CAF will take care of it.

The latter will mention the « montant net social », ie the amount serving as a reference for the calculation of social benefits. From July 2023, the display of the net social amount will be mandatory. On payslips and from January 2024.

New aid from CAF envisaged

As of July 2023, private sector employees and public administration will therefore have to enter the net social amount on the payslips.

“For the first time, French people in need will see a new detail on their payslip. This is the exact value to declare. To take advantage of the activity bonus. And RSA », informed Jean-Christophe Combe.

This measure was therefore voted on. As part of the CAF project to automate the transfer of several of its social aids. Good news, therefore, for low salaries.

The mention net social amount of the CAF will thus be compulsory for all beneficiaries of the activity bonus from next month. “This amount which is generally intended to be declared to access the activity bonus. And the RSA did not want to be automatically attributed. to employees, informed the government.

For its part, the Ministry of Labor made a point of specifying that there is no accumulation authorized for the net amounts paid. On the other hand, this system will help to limit errors made by declarants while facilitating the declaration of resources.

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