2023-06-26 07:00:44
(c) Luke Olson
Founded in 2019 and shortly therefollowing dissolved once more due to pandemic reasons, mix Cache not only their home in the US state of Minnesota since last year. The quintet around current and former members of Morality Crisis, Blue Ox, Aziza and Maeth feels at home on the dynamic Sludge shore, where punk and stoner riffs, among other things, set the otherwise sluggish monster on fire. Her first EP is also called „Cache“ and heats up similarly feverishly.
“El Rudo” flexes its muscles at the beginning and burns you in immediately. The punchy sound, the raging drums, the haunting riff – it can be so simple sometimes. Aggressive, hoarse vocals, which repeatedly break into a kind of screaming, carry through the almost calm, rocking verses. A certain ominous menace hangs over the arrangement, absolute escalation seems imminent at any time. Instead, the final act strives for a leaden groove as a deafening breakdown. After that, “Forever In Retrograde” increases the number of beats a bit, plays with hardcore motives, while the main part strives for the most brutal catchiness – completely broken and yet somehow charming.
The first herald “Fentanyl & Friends” briefly leads on the wrong track, before the thickest sludge walls of the nastiest kind bite down and numb all the senses. Nowhere else are Cache so close to the origins of the genre, and the pleasantly tough final act in particular makes this clear. The lashing “Doused”, on the other hand, foams at the mouth before the arrangement gains in complexity – a bit too long, the riff around the three and a half minute mark pulls in for that. The comparatively short episodes “Good Morning, You Mongrels” – very evil and unnerving – and “Severance Package (Off With My Head)” – whipping, punky, refreshingly raw – round off the action.
A pleasantly different sludge approach carries Cache to a strong first exclamation point. Their EP causes pain in the best sense of the word, because there is no rigid predictability here – a good thing in itself, but that would be out of place here. “Cache” contains hardcore, punk and stoner, playing out its advantages with audible gusto. And if it does get a little slower from time to time, that works too. As if the Cancer Bats were sinking into the mud: Cache make their debut as strong as an ox.
Rating: 8/10
Available from: 06/30/2023
Available from: self-distribution
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cachempls
Cache by Cache
Tags: cache, hardcore punk, review, sludge, sludge punk, stoner sludge
Category: Magazin, Reviews
#Cache #Cache