Cabello: Superlano in Custody, Ensuring Smooth Communication

Former opposition deputy of the Voluntad Popular party Freddy Superlano, whose whereabouts are unknown to his family and the opposition after more than 30 hours of being kidnapped, is, according to what the Chavistas said on Wednesday night, “detained and speaking very well.”

“He is detained and speaking very well, he is bilingual”said the first vice president of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, in his weekly program ‘Con el mazo dando’, broadcast on the state channel VTV.

The man considered to be the number two in Chavismo did not offer any details, despite numerous requests about his whereabouts made by the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD). Superlano was arrested on Tuesday along with his assistant Renso Salinas and driver Rafael García, by “hooded officials,” according to a complaint made by the Vente Venezuela (VV) party.

Superlano’s wife, Aurora Silva, told EFE that she does not know the whereabouts of the three men, despite having been “visiting all the detention centers (in Caracas) looking for information and demanding proof of life” from the detainees.

Silva said he went to the headquarters of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) and the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), where they told him that Superlano, Salinas and García were not there.

Voluntad Popular, of which Superlano is political coordinator, stated in X that 30 hours have passed since the former deputy’s arrest, during which time they do not know his state of health, so they demanded “immediate access to corroborate his physical integrity.”

On Tuesday, a group of people described as “hooded officials” arrested Superlano, as well as his assistant and driver, according to Vente Venezuela, which shared a video showing them being taken away in a vehicle.

Voluntad Popular claimed that Superlano was “kidnapped” and warned the international community about “the escalation of repression by the dictatorship of (President) Nicolás Maduro against activists of the democratic cause,” following the elections in which the National Electoral Council (CNE) declared the Chavista leader the winner, a result widely questioned.

The reasons for his arrest are currently unknown.

#Cabello #Superlano #custody #speaking
2024-09-15 08:17:53

– What actions are ‌being taken by Superlano’s ‌family in response⁣ to his disappearance?

Venezuelan Opposition Deputy Freddy Superlano Still Missing After 30 Hours, Government Claims He is “Detained and Speaking Well”

The whereabouts of Venezuelan opposition ‌deputy‍ Freddy Superlano remain unknown to his ​family and the⁤ opposition after more than 30 hours of being kidnapped, sparking concern and ⁤outrage. According to Diosdado Cabello, the⁢ first vice ⁢president of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Superlano is “detained and speaking very ⁣well,‍ he ⁤is bilingual.” However, Cabello failed to provide any details about Superlano’s whereabouts, despite numerous requests from the ⁣Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) ‌and⁣ Superlano’s family.

Superlano, a former opposition⁤ deputy of the ⁣Voluntad Popular party,​ was arrested on Tuesday⁤ along ​with his‌ assistant Renso‌ Salinas ‍and driver‌ Rafael García, by‍ unidentified, hooded officials. The Vente Venezuela (VV) party, which Superlano belongs to, reported the incident and has since been demanding‍ information about his whereabouts.

Superlano’s wife, Aurora Silva, ⁤has been ​searching⁢ for her husband, visiting various detention centers in Caracas, including the headquarters of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service ⁢(Sebin) and⁤ the Bolivarian National ⁤Police (PNB). However, she was informed that Superlano, Salinas, and García were not being held at these facilities.

The Voluntad Popular party ⁣has demanded “immediate ‍access to corroborate his physical integrity” and has expressed concern about Superlano’s health, given the lack ‍of information about his condition. The party has also ​called on the Venezuelan government to ‍provide ​proof‍ of life and to ⁢guarantee Superlano’s safety.

The situation has sparked widespread concern and outrage among the Venezuelan opposition ‌and human rights organizations, who have long criticized the government’s human rights record and its treatment of political opponents.

The Venezuelan government has a history of arbitrarily detaining and jailing⁢ political opponents, often without due process or access​ to legal representation. Human ⁤rights organizations have ⁢documented numerous cases of torture, mistreatment, and forced disappearances of political activists⁣ and opponents.

The international​ community has⁣ also expressed concern about the situation in Venezuela, with​ many countries calling on the government to‌ respect ‍human rights and the rule of law. The United⁢ States, ​the European Union, and other countries ‌have imposed sanctions on⁢ Venezuela, citing human rights abuses and democratic‍ backsliding.

In ⁢the midst⁤ of this crisis, the Venezuelan government’s statement that ⁣Superlano is‌ “detained and speaking very‌ well” has done little to allay concerns about his⁣ safety and ​well-being. The lack of transparency and accountability in the government’s actions has only added to the‍ fear and uncertainty surrounding Superlano’s ‌disappearance.

As the situation continues to unfold, the international​ community and ⁢human rights organizations will be closely watching the developments, calling on the Venezuelan ‌government ‍to respect Superlano’s‍ rights and to provide immediate ⁤proof of his safety​ and well-being.

Keywords: Freddy Superlano, Venezuela, ⁢opposition⁤ deputy,⁣ kidnapped,‍ detained, Diosdado Cabello, Voluntad ⁢Popular, human rights, arbitrary detention, torture, forced disappearance, ⁢international⁢ community, ⁢sanctions.

Meta Description: Venezuelan opposition deputy Freddy Superlano remains missing after 30 hours, with the government claiming ​he is “detained and speaking well.” However, his family⁣ and the⁤ opposition demand⁣ proof of his safety and ‍well-being.

Header Tags:

H1: Venezuelan Opposition‍ Deputy ⁢Freddy Superlano Still Missing After 30 Hours, ​Government ‌Claims He is “Detained and Speaking Well”

H2: Superlano’s Family ⁤and Opposition Demand⁣ Proof of His Safety and Well-being

H2: Venezuela’s History of Human Rights Abuses and Political Repression

H2: International Community Calls on‍ Venezuelan Government to Respect Human Rights⁤ and the Rule of Law

What has the Venezuelan government claimed about Freddy Superlano’s condition since his disappearance?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Venezuelan Opposition Deputy Freddy Superlano Still Missing After 30 Hours, Government Claims He is “Detained and Speaking Well”

The whereabouts of Venezuelan opposition deputy Freddy Superlano remain unknown to his family and the opposition after more than 30 hours of being kidnapped, sparking concern and outrage. According to Diosdado Cabello, the first vice president of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Superlano is “detained and speaking very well, he is bilingual.” However, Cabello failed to provide any details about Superlano’s whereabouts, despite numerous requests from the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) and Superlano’s family.

Background of the Incident

Superlano, a former opposition deputy of the Voluntad Popular party, was arrested on Tuesday along with his assistant Renso Salinas and driver Rafael García, by unidentified, hooded officials. The Vente Venezuela (VV) party, which Superlano belongs to, reported the incident and has since been demanding information about his whereabouts.

Family’s Response to the Disappearance

Superlano’s wife, Aurora Silva, has been searching for her husband, visiting various detention centers in Caracas, including the headquarters of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) and the Bolivarian National Police (



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