Cabello announces new arrests and seizure of weapons to “destabilize the country” –

Venezuelan Detentions: When Tourism Goes Wrong!

Well, folks, it seems that tourism in Venezuela has taken an unplanned turn towards the *wild* side! Diosdado Cabello, the Minister of Interior Relations, Justice, and all things spicy, has revealed that some foreigners—who might just have been trying to add a bit of Latin flavor to their Instagram feeds—found themselves detained instead! That’s right: “I was just here for the refineries,” said no tourist ever!

According to Cabello, these “tourists” hail from Peru, Colombia, the States, and even Spain. Now, you might think: “Oh, they must have been visiting Caracas for the vibrant culture!” But hold your horses! It turns out their backpacks were packed with photogenic evidence of strategic areas, and not the kind you’d show off on social media. Who knew that sightseeing included taking photos of refineries? I mean, that’s what you get when you mix holiday snaps with a side of espionage!

But it gets even juicier! Our daring minister explained that this group, allegedly linked to the Aragua Train—a nickname I assume refers to a train with an absolutely shocking timetable—has been accused of being paramilitary operatives on a *very* questionable mission. You can just picture it: a group of “merchants” strolling past one of the world’s largest oil reserves, camera in one hand, a map of the nearest refinery in the other. “Oh, darling, look at the architecture!”

Cue the dramatic revelation: amidst the backdrop of a vibrant South American landscape, Cabello announced that 71 weapons were seized—because who doesn’t want a little firepower while sightseeing? And let’s not forget the star of the show: Iván Simonovis, the supposed arms trafficker! With that kind of name, it sounds like he should be starring in his own Netflix drama rather than being dubbed as “the man who brought chaos to Venezuela.”

So, let’s recap: you can’t just go snapping photos of refineries hoping to garner likes and follows without raising a few eyebrows—or getting detained! Who knew that the DEA, CNI, and ex-Colombian president Álvaro Uribe were involved too? I mean, this sounds like a political version of Ocean’s Eleven, if the heist was stealing oil and causing chaos rather than… uh, stealing fancy jewelry!

Alright, so just to throw some facts out there: Cabello said the detained folks claimed that their refineries were such a delightful target to create a bit of chaos. Chaos, eh? These fellas might have to join the local improv scene if they’re looking for a real challenge. “Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you… Chaos in Refinery Comedy Nights!”

In conclusion, the headlines write themselves! From armed tourists to strategic photo ops, it’s like one big game of *Where’s Waldo?*—except Waldo is holding a weapon and looks suspiciously like an agent. So, remember, if you’re ever planning to travel to Venezuela, let the refineries be and find a nice beach instead. At least then you can sunbathe without the fear of ending up in the next espionage thriller!

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The head of the interior relations portfolio commented that on the detainees’ mobile devices they found photographs of strategic areas, mainly refineries.

Courtesy | Cabello pointed out that the DEA, along with CNI and former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe, were at the head of these operations.

The Minister for Interior Relations, Justice and Peace, Diosdado Cabello, gave an assessment of new seizures and detentions of foreigners that had the objective of causing “destabilization in the country.”

In a press conference, Cabello indicated that several Peruvian American, Colombian and Spanish “mercenaries”, who were apprehended, assured that they were in the country doing tourism or visiting a Venezuelan girlfriend.

A group was detained in Apure, the minister explained, explaining that they are paramilitaries with links to the Aragua Train.

He also announced that 71 weapons were seized, pointing to Iván Simonovis as the “arms trafficker, not only for terrorist acts in Venezuela, but also in other parts of the world.”

“We have seized a significant batch of weapons: more than five hundred, and we continue in intelligence operations,” he said.

The head of the interior relations portfolio commented that on the detainees’ mobile devices they found photographs of strategic areas, mainly refineries.

“These detained citizens have declared that the refineries would be one of the main objectives to generate chaos,” he stated.

Cabello pointed out that the DEA, along with CNI and former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe, were at the head of these operations.

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