CA Brive’s Rugby Defeat and Patrice Collazo’s Analysis: What Went Wrong?

2023-11-10 22:00:00

Defeated on its Amédée-Domenech lawn this Friday evening, CA Brive showed itself to be extremely imprecise and not too “killer” once morest the Angoumoisins who, on the contrary, were realistic and heroic to achieve victory. Patrice Collazo came to explain the reasons for this poor performance.

Patrice, is Brive taking a big blow to the head this evening following this defeat?

We didn’t win the chess game this evening. In front of us, we had a team from Soyaux who perfectly mastered the rules. We have to be much more clinical. The first penaltouche, we completely miss each other. And the last touch is the only ball we lose in the scoring zone. When you miss several opportunities once morest these guys, in the end, you end up with a lost match. As much as they played hard in the first half, they tightened us up followingward. Tonight, I feel like we’re murdering ourselves. We can do 200 playing times, 200 percussions, if we’re not right in the strong moments, it’s useless. Soyaux defended us well from the mauls but it plays out at key moments.

We noticed that you were dominated in the melee. Is this also your feeling?

Attention, we did not lose the showdown but we didn’t know how to adapt to the referee’s interpretation, it’s different. We have a penalty for us in the scoring zone and we take the scrum. I don’t really understand this choice at five meters, I admit. I thought we were going to play it by hand since we had worked on it for variety. In the end we take melee, so for me it’s a confusing choice. In touch we had almost all the balls, in hand we also showed that we were able to advance. I feel like we’re making things harder for ourselves.

Your team has accumulated hand faults this evening…

When Mathis (Ferté) makes the pass to the linesman, there is something else to do, there is the five meter line. A two once morest one that we don’t give too. What do I do, I bring in Bruce, Arnaud (Méla) for the sidelines, me in the scrum. No, but we can take everything back. We constantly missed one. We work hard, we defend well, we score here and there, but in the end we lack something.

Read also :
Pro D2 – The results of the evening: Agen reacts, the feat for Soyaux-Angoulême

Are the reasons for these flaws mental in your opinion?

Maybe, but there is also execution which is important. As much as we are capable of putting in a lot of energy and intensity, we are also capable of failing on something basic. We don’t have too much balance, it’s either everything or it’s nothing. The last touch, we’re going to jump into a drop zone that we haven’t attacked all match and there’s a guy who forgets himself on the lift. I told the players that we had to build our match. That we need patience. Soyaux travels well, is good in defense and masters the rule. We mightn’t go faster than the music. The clinical moments are not captured. But that doesn’t reflect the commitment we can put into it at times. It’s a deserved victory for Angoulême.

You are currently eighth in the rankings. Are you worried regarding what’s next?

(He thinks). How much, 25 points from the top (he’s being ironic)? Yeah, if we win we go back. Everyone stands together. We are eighth, it is indeed factual. In one match, we lost four places. Which means that if we win one, we move up.

#Pro #Patrice #Collazo #impression #murdering



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