by them you will know the duration of your life

There are good reasons to fight for the health of your own teeth.

look at the teeth

There are good reasons to fight for dental health. Scientists have said that the teeth can determine life expectancy!

It directly depends on how many own teeth you have in your mouth. And yet, each pulled tooth can cost us a “piece” of memory. When a dentist removes a tooth, the nerve endings associated with the brain are also removed!

In general, look at your teeth before you make plans for the future!

That’s how you’ll know

The Swedish scientists came to the conclusion that by the number of real teeth one can judge a person’s propensity to certain diseases, and even life expectancy.

They proved the relationship between the number of remaining teeth and longevity. Previously, doctors have already warned that plaque and caries will lead to a heart attack and stroke, and daily brushing of teeth and systematic visits to the dentist can extend life by a whole decade!

About the length of your life

Now it turned out that the number of own teeth in the oral cavity is directly related to the risk of death from coronary heart disease.

According to the results, people who had 10 or fewer of their own teeth died from a heart attack 7 times more often than their peers with more teeth. The conclusion of scientists is disappointing: the smaller your teeth, the shorter your life.

According to the authors, the number of remaining teeth indicates the number of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity suffered by a person. In the course of diseases, pathogenic bacteria with the blood stream can enter the vessels of the heart and damage them.

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