Butec wins MENA Region Excellence Award

It is for a project dedicated to green energy in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) that the Lebanese company Butec (Butec Group Holding Limited), a construction and services group belonging to the Younès family, won this weekend the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region Excellence Award for the year 2022 at the 12th edition of the “MEED (Middle East Economic Digest) Projects Awards”. Led by a consortium comprising Butec, the Emirati company Masdar, specialized in the clean energy sector, and Be’ah, an Omani company specialized in integrated environmental management and solid waste treatment, the project aims to convert waste into electrical energy and is the first of its kind in the Emirates, according to the statement sent to the National News Agency (ANI). In fact, it makes it possible to process and burn approximately 40 tonnes of waste per hour to produce around thirty megawatts and thus supply a city of 30,000 homes.

Founded in the 1960s by Nizar Younès, the Butec group has maintained its technical and commercial center in Beirut (with headquarters in Mkallès, Sin el-Fil), but is legally organized as a holding company in the United Arab Emirates, so as not to have to suffer the repercussions of the banking restrictions imposed on Lebanon since the second half of 2019 and the start of the crisis in the country. Its activities are divided into two divisions: one essentially focused on construction (study and execution) and a second on services, which mainly includes the service provider BUS (Butec Utility Service), one of the companies mandated by Electricité du Liban since 2012 to ensure maintenance and modernization of the power distribution network, as well as the collection of bills. Butec has also had the international finance company (IFC, the private arm of the World Bank) as a shareholder since 2008. The company also bought last year nearly twenty companies owned by the French gas giant Engie in Africa.

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It is for a project dedicated to green energy in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) that the Lebanese company Butec (Butec Group Holding Limited), a construction and services group belonging to the Younès family, won this weekend the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region Excellence Award for the year 2022 at the 12th edition of the…

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