“But what a latero”: José Antonio Neme stops Rojo Edwards after commenting on Gabriel Boric | TV and Show

The journalist stopped the senator in his tracks in the middle of his analysis of President Gabriel Boric’s proposals in the Public Account.

On Thursday morning, Republican senator Rojo Edwards and communist deputy Karol Cariola were invited to the morning Pleased to meet you to analyze the proposals given during the public account last Wednesday.

It was in that where they remembered some measures that President Gabriel Boric addressed in his first months in office. Among the new proposals, the parliamentarians analyzed the issue of safety.

However, it was at that moment that Edwards wanted to emphasize Boric’s work as a deputy, remembering a series of projects for which he voted once morest.

“Keep going back, but what interests me is to analyze the proposals made yesterdayif they work or not”, interrupted Paulina de Allende-Salazar, to which Cariola took the moment to talk regarding the lifting of the State Internal Security Law.

Thus, the conversation mutated to the idea of ​​prohibiting weapons to civilians. “I know of a case in La Araucanía of a house that has 100 bullet holes in its wall. You are going to tell him: ‘I know him and I know that he has a gun registered. We are going to take it away from him so that they come to shoot him down.”

“But let’s not distort the realities: when the government says ‘no more weapons,’ is it going to enter the man’s house and take the gun out of the closet?” asked the host of the space, José Antonio Neme.

At that, Cariola and the group began to debate regarding the idea of ​​prohibiting weapons to civilians and the dangers of having this type of artifact in homes.

“President Boric voted once morest the Anti…” Law, Edwards said, being immediately interrupted by Neme.

Oh, but what a latero. Sorry to tell you, but it gets latero”, said the communicator with a grimace of boredom, to which an attempt at explanation by the senator is heard below, who finally does not finish his sentence.

“When we started that ‘the President…’ It’s fine, we know all the inconsistencies of President Boric as a deputy, we have repeated them ad nauseam,” said the journalist.

“If that phrase of inconsistency is repeated by partner Karol Cariola, we pass the point. Is President Boric inconsistent in this?” said the senator with a laugh, receiving a joking response from Cariola: “I’m going to authorize you to call me ‘comrade’ just because we were a co-worker”.

“I get the point, Senator. We have talked regarding cartwheels and I think you are right (…) but whoever has not done a somersault in this country, let him cast the first stone”added Neme jokingly and then continued the conversation.



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