but in fact, what are their relations?

Ségolène Royal and Julie Gayet: but in fact, what are their relations?

Ségolène Royal and Julie Gayet: but in fact, what are their relations?

Tuesday, February 15 took place the opening of the sculptor Charles Ray, exhibited at the François Pinault Collection at the Bourse de Commerce in Paris. An event attended by three people with unique relationships: François Hollande, Julie Gayet and Ségolène Royal.

It is an unlikely trio who met on Tuesday February 15 at the Bourse de commerce to attend the opening of the new François Pinault Collection exhibition. Francois Hollande, Julie Gayet and Ségolène Royal therefore spent part of their evening together admiring the works of sculptor Charles Ray. The opportunity to question the relationship between the two women. After their separation in 2007, François Hollande and Ségolène Royal have always remained close. Moreover, she declared in December 2020 in the podcast Parents first. “I think the golden rule is never to criticize or disqualify the paternal function”. Because beyond their intertwined professional life and a common passion for politics, they had four children together : Thomas, born in 1984, Élise Clémence born in 1986, Julien born in 1987 and Flora, born in 1992. If the president had a relationship with the journalist Valérie Trierweiler until 2014, it is now with Julie Gayet that he shares his life. And it looks like the actress has decided not to never try to come between the former president and the one who was a candidate in the presidential election in 2007.

In Planet.fr, in 2016, François Aubel returned to their relationship. The author of the book An intermittent at the Élysée dstated thus: “It’s as if they had signed a non-aggression pact. Ségolène Royal very quickly understood that the “everything except Valérie Trierweiler” would benefit her. She also quickly realized that Julie Gayet might not be an “ally”, but that she was an intelligent woman and that she might draw some advantages from it. » According to the revelations of his relatives, if the former president would have been “traumatized” through his relationship and his breakup with Valérie Trierweiler, so was the mother of his four children. She would then have decided to establish with the next companion “a social peace. It was almost a necessity”.

> Discover in images Ségolène Royal, Julie Gayet, François Hollande gathered during a Parisian opening.

The winning trio

And the former head of state in all this? François Aubel is very clear: « Ségolène Royal and Julie Gayet rub shoulders on good terms. There’s no role warfare either, so it all works pretty well. » On the strength of his previous experience, it would seem that François Hollande has opted for a strategy which makes him a spectator of the situation, standing ready to intervene if things get out of hand. Which was never the case. And the author concludes: “The three of them they form an unprecedented triangle and, it must be admitted, a little mind-blowing! »

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.



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