“But damn it!” : Xavier Bertrand gets annoyed at Sonia Mabrouk

VIDEO - “But damn it!”  : Xavier Bertrand gets annoyed at Sonia Mabrouk

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VIDEO – “But damn it!” : Xavier Bertrand gets annoyed at Sonia Mabrouk

On the morning of Europe 1, Tuesday February 15, Xavier Bertrand came to defend the substance and the form of the speech given by Valérie Pécresse this weekend by fervently placing the candidate LR “at the antipodes of the extremists”.

Most damn it! If public speaking made a president, we would soon hire the tthird term of Mr. Mélenchon.” Invited to the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk in the morning of February 15, Xavier Bertrand banged his fist on the table. somewhat annoyed by the wave of criticism having fallen on Valérie Pécresse following her meeting at the Zénith de Paris on Sunday February 13, the LR president of the Hauts-de-France region preferred to highlight the solid projects of the presidential candidate rather than her sentences considered clumsy by some.

Although he too took part in the criticism by rejecting the use of the term “great replacement” advocated by Valérie Pécresse during her speech, Xavier Bertrand wanted to detach the candidate from this kind of theories. To support his remarks, Valérie Pécresse’s “work and territories” adviser for this campaign split the political spectrum in twoplacing the LRs at the center of the game: “There are extremists on one side who play on fears and the lax ones of the other. I don’t need to draw you a picture, they are in power.And to continue:Then there is those who want to act effectively and that’s what Valérie wants to do.”

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Public speaking, Valérie Pécresse’s weak point?

More comfortable in the field that before an assembly, Valérie Pécresse is also returned to his criticized speech. “If you want speakers, there are plenty of them in the countryside, me i am a maker. more comfortable in direct dialogue with the French”, she indicated to the antenna of RTL Monday February 14.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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