Searching for Luciana Muñoz in Neuquen: 40 days after her disappearance, a march will be held this Thursday

2024-08-22 09:48:00

40 days after he disappeared neuquena family Luciana Munoz Call for new marches Thursday 22.

The event was spread Lila Argylethe young woman’s mother She was last seen on July 13 in the Gran Neuquén neighborhood.and uphold the motto: «“We are not all here and we miss Luciana.”.

Concentration will occur at 16 in it saint martin monument. The claim focuses on asking authorities to continue search operations.

Look for pictures of Luciana Muñoz in Neuquén: it was swept across the highway bridge area

Looking for Luciana Muñoz in Neuquén: they deny the end of raking on the plateau

Rodrigo Ramirez Aburto

The lack of official information about the investigation sparked some rumors, but these faded over time. recent, The search in the Plateau area was reported to have ended, but police ruled out that possibility.

The area of ​​interest is located in a large area northwest of the capital Neuquén, and its location and specificity make inspection difficult. Although space has indeed been almost completely combed, the search mission has not stopped.

The perimeter of this Saturday Route to the area near the Shell petrol station, off the Former North Highway.

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Chief Commissioner Dante Catalán personally coordinated the search, It was confirmed to Diario RÍO NEGRO that the mission in the area continues. There was no order for the mission to stop being completed at that location.

Insistence on police being deployed at the site was supported by contributions from witnesses.I also heard anonymous phone calls asking for. As this outlet has already reported, one of the statements was made by a man deprived of his liberty, Serving heavy sentence, claims to have heard another inmate talking about Luciana Muñoz and his alleged whereabouts on the plateau.

This is not the only contribution that suggests the area could be home to Find something related to 20 year old girls. Other calls suggested as much.

Photo search of Luciana Muñoz, Neuquén: The backpack found at school was not hers

The spatial part of interest covers all the surroundings of the area known as “El Choconcito” and the vicinity of the Neuquen concentrator market.

so far, The government has not confirmed details of the other calls or the scope of the $10 million bonus. Pesos for those who provide certainty The young woman has been missing since July 13 and her circumstances are currently unknown..

Pictures of the search for Luciana Muñoz in Neuquén: where she found the results 39 days after her disappearance

#Searching #Luciana #Muñoz #Neuquen #days #disappearance #march #held #Thursday



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