Business: Zebras and other exotic animals graze at the site of Lőrinc Mészáros’ company in Alcsút

Business: Zebras and other exotic animals graze at the site of Lőrinc Mészáros’ company in Alcsút

(The camera pans to a mock news desk, where a comedian, dressed in a suit and tie, is sitting with a mischievous grin on his face. He’s a combination of Jimmy Carr, Rowan Atkinson, Ricky Gervais, and Lee Evans.)

Comedian: “Welcome to the news, where we bring you the most pressing issues of the day. Or, in this case, the most pressing issue of the day: zebras. Yes, you heard that right. Zebras. Specifically, zebras grazing at the premises of Lőrinc Mészáros’ company in Alcsút. Because, you know, when you think of Hungary, you think of zebras. (pauses for comedic effect)

But seriously, folks, it seems that Mr. Mészáros, a businessman with ties to the Orbán government, has decided to diversify his portfolio by adding exotic animals to his collection. Because, why not? I mean, who wouldn’t want to gaze out at a herd of African zebras while contemplating the meaning of life? (chuckles)

And let’s not forget the Ankole-Watusi cattle breed. Because, you know, every self-respecting Hungarian businessman needs a few Ankole-Watusi cattle in his backyard. (smirks) I mean, it’s not like they’re just for show or anything. No, no, no. These cattle are for… um… (checks notes)…for grazing purposes. Yes, that’s it.

But what’s really interesting is the sign posted at the site. You know, the one that warns about the dangers of self-owned protective devices that can pose a danger to both humans and dogs. (raises an eyebrow) Because, you know, nothing says ‘welcome to our zebra sanctuary’ like a sign that threatens to maim you and your canine companion.

And finally, let’s talk about the price of these exotic animals. I mean, who wouldn’t want to shell out 6 million forints for a zebra? (sarcastically) It’s not like you could buy a house in Budapest for that price or anything. (rolls his eyes)

In conclusion, folks, it seems that Mr. Mészáros has found a new way to make a buck: by selling zebras and Ankole-Watusi cattle to unsuspecting tourists. (winks) But hey, who am I to judge? Maybe zebras are the new black. (chuckles)

And that’s the news for today. Stay tuned for more updates on the zebra front. (smirks) I’m sure it’ll be a wild ride.”

Business: Zebras and other exotic animals graze at the premises of Lőrinc Mészáros’ company in Alcsút |

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November 2024. 12. 18:57 November 2024. 22. 13:16 Business

The site is located near the Orbán estate in Hatvanpuszta.

Exotic animals are kept by Talentis Group Zrt, which is exclusively owned by Lőrinc Mészáros. at the Alcsútdobozi site – writes a Gulyásagú Mediawhich also published photos and videos of the animals.

Located between the Orbán estate in Hatvanpuszta and Bicske, the hidden area is protected by a fence and an artificial hill behind it. When the newspaper visited the site, it saw several African zebras, a herd of Ankole-Watusi cattle and a donkey grazing on the site.

At the site, they also encountered a sign posted at several points, which on the one hand warns that “the company authorized to hunt is active in the area” and that “for reasons of human and animal health, as well as in order to preserve the wildlife, they operate self-owned protective devices that touch can pose a danger to both humans and dogs”.

The Ankole-Watusi cattle breed is a rare and modern American zebu, developed from a breed of African Sanga cattle. THE Gulyásagú Media according to the price of individuals in Europe varies widely, typically between 1,500 and 10,000 euros (600,000 to 4 million forints) per copy, but prices can even rise above 15,000 euros (6 million forints). The price of zebras ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 euros (2-6 million forints) per individual.

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