Business representatives, analysts about expectations after the Seimas elections: the most important quotes | Business

Andrius Romanovskis, president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK) and head of the Association of Lithuanian Insurers:Calm and talk, that decisions will be made in a deliberate, calm and non-shock therapy way, and that there will be talk and consensus. (…) It was already predicted that the will of the voters would shift to the left of the center and even if our points of view differ with those of the left on certain issues, especially perhaps on tax issues, we have not heard any threats from any of the politicians, so this is a positive sign.

We hope that the decisions (about taxes – BNS) will be made by assessing and measuring the geopolitical context, because what was missing most now – the vote partly shows this – that people want stability and predictability, that people are tired of something always happening trying to radically change something, reform it. Even Nemunas Aušra, which is presented as a radical party, in its economic program talks about the fact that nothing will change in the tax system for a couple of years and that there will be no radical changes.

It is obvious that it is naive to hope for some kind of tax relief or tax reduction, but to hope for stability and non-deterioration of the situation, including through a drastic increase in taxes, would probably be the most important thing.”

Swedbank economist Nerijus Mačiulis:Improving the education system and attracting qualified workers to Lithuania is the number one priority. (…) Another thing is immigrants. We had a very large immigration, when those immigrants filled vacant jobs, contributed to economic growth, but came from a very narrow geographical region, employed in low added value sectors, (…) their integration into society is very limited. Their opportunities to contribute to the creation of a competitive, prosperous Lithuania are even smaller. What Lithuania lacks are qualified immigrants, so attention should be directed here in order to change the structure of immigration.

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