Business: Ráhel Orbán told what went wrong around the castle in Tura

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Well, well, well, if it isn’t the tale of the Tura castle drama, featuring Ráhel Orbán – yes, the daughter of the Prime Minister! Who needs a reality TV show when you’ve got family-owned castles facing failure? Who knew castle hotels came with more drama than a Shakespearean play – and I mean the tragic kind!

Now, Ráhel kicks things off with a revelation that trying to serve two different hotel segments at once is, quite simply, a dubious endeavor. I mean, come on! It’s like trying to host a family dinner while serving vegan food to your brother who’s on a meat binge – good luck with that! She describes the dilemma: people wanting high-end events while others just want a cozy room for a night of Netflix bingeing. Pure chaos, I tell you! “Dinner or a disco? Pick one!” they should have shouted from the castle ramparts.

But wait, there’s more! Ráhel explains they’ve decided to ditch the dual focus and unite the guests! “No more mingling!” she says, presumably in a very serious tone, “You get the whole castle experience or nothing. It’s exclusive or not at all!” – as if the castle is the hottest VIP club in town. Can’t you just envision a velvet rope at the front?

Ah, and let’s talk about the unfortunate financial state of the castle. It seems since launching in 2020, it’s been a financial bottomless pit, with the company more in debt than a teenager with their first credit card. Loans upon loans, folk! It’s like watching someone play Monopoly – and they just keep landing on Boardwalk, hoping for a four-leaf clover to magically appear. Is anyone looking to invest, or is everyone just rolling their eyes here? The answer: constant ‘fine-tuning’! Classic euphemism for ‘This is an unmitigated disaster.’

But our dear Ráhel isn’t done. She’s also overseeing some fancy developments, talking about a sky bar and renovations like a girl who finally got to decorate her first flat. I mean, really, who’s got time for nuances when you can have a rooftop restaurant? “We’ll bring back the glory!” she declares, reminiscing about the castle’s former grandeur. I can just picture the scene: candlelit dinners replacing lost investments. But, hey, at least it sounds better than last Tuesday’s ‘room with the view… of the dumpster.’

So, as the dust settles around Tura castle, we’ve seen that even royal offspring aren’t immune to enterprise trials and tribulations. It’s a wild ride, really – where mismanagement meets fantasy! But let’s hope they nail down the concept before it becomes a full-blown family feud, complete with court-involved drama that could make for an even better sequel. Stay tuned because, as Ráhel might put it, the next chapter is about to unfold… and it might just involve an exclusive royal screening of “How Not to Run a Castle.” Who doesn’t love a good laugh?

Entrepreneurship: Ráhel Orbán told what went wrong around the castle in Tura |

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According to the prime minister’s daughter, they tried to serve two different segments at the same time, which is especially difficult in a building with few rooms.

“Regarding the operation of the former Schossberger castle in Tura, we faced a big challenge right from the beginning. You could feel the stalemate of what happens when you try to serve two different segments at the same time. Because the person who brought an event there wanted a completely different experience than the person who reserved one or two rooms, and serving both at the same time was particularly difficult or impossible in a building with few available rooms,” said Ráhel Orbán, daughter of the prime minister, creative director of BDPST Zrt. a Mandinernek about the Tura castle.

Orbán added that this is why they decided that “this conflict should not exist, and from now on we will rent out the castle either for special events or for group bookings, where we gather several guests looking for a similar experience, and they come to the hotel at the same time”. According to him, the original basic concept was to focus on events, but since they were right in the middle of Covid at the time of opening, when the market collapsed, they tried to adapt to that. Now, three or four years after Covid, they see that it is worth going towards events again.

At the beginning of October, it was revealed that the castle hotel in Tura is continuously making losses for István Tiborcz, Ráhel Orbán’s husband, so the business model is being changed. The castle has only been operating as a hotel for a few weeks, and BDPST Zrt. has started to lay off some of its employees. The company operating the castle hotel, TRA Kft., has never been profitable since its opening in 2020, so the owner BDPST had to finance the hotel with continuous loans. However, according to the company, the current measures only mean “fine-tuning the business model”.

Ráhel Orbán also spoke about the fact that the developments are still ongoing. “In the Dorothea Hotel, located in the heart of the city center, we will soon open the BiBo skybar restaurant on the roof. Maybe this is the closest. Events have also accelerated at the Gellért Hotel, the first phase of the multi-year complex monument renovation will start in the next few days. The purpose of the investment is to return the hotel to its former glory, preserving the historic heritage of the iconic building. The operator of the hotel will be the Mandarin Oriental Group, which operates internationally recognized high-class hotels”.

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Summary of Recent Articles:

  1. Csempészháború a szerbiai​ lőgyakorlatról: The ⁤spokesperson for the Ásotthalom local guards commented ​on the⁣ deteriorating migration situation⁤ and a shooting between smuggling ⁢gangs, mistaken for ⁤a military exercise in Serbia.
  1. Putin’s ⁢Statements on Peace ​Talks: In an interview with Rossiya 1, Russian President Vladimir‍ Putin expressed his readiness ​to‍ make ‍compromises regarding ‌peace talks but stated that ⁣he would not concede any‍ demands.
  1. Return of​ Crew-8: ⁤The previous crew of the International Space Station ⁣(ISS), known as Crew-8, successfully landed near Florida on Friday morning, as reported by Hungarian ⁣sources.
  1. New‌ Hungarian Airline: A new ⁣Hungarian airline,⁣ operating ‍under the name Hungary Airlines, is set to⁤ launch ‌in December. The airline,‌ which⁣ has been focusing on freight transport‌ since its establishment in 2021,‍ is⁤ aiming to expand its services‍ significantly.
  1. Szerbia’s EU Aspirations: European Commission President ⁢Ursula von der Leyen indicated‌ during her meetings⁢ in Belgrade that Serbia is nearing full EU membership status.
  1. S&P ​Credit Rating: The⁢ credit rating ‌agency‍ Standard & ​Poor’s has maintained Hungary’s ⁣investment-grade credit rating, despite expressing‍ skepticism about​ the government’s economic policies.
  1. Euro⁤ NCAP Crash Test Results: The BYD Atto‍ 3, a popular electric vehicle, ⁣received ‌zero stars in Euro ⁤NCAP‍ crash test ⁣evaluations, marking a disappointing outcome ⁣for the vehicle’s driver assistance‍ systems.
  1. Challenges in Tura Castle Operations: ⁢Ráhel⁣ Orbán ‌discussed⁢ operational difficulties faced at ‌the former Schossberger castle‌ in Tura, where conflicting event expectations made service complicated. ​The castle has ‌struggled financially since its opening in 2020, leading to changes⁤ in its business ⁣model.

These articles highlight various topics, including international relations, economic assessments, space exploration, and local business challenges within Hungary.

Summary of Recent Articles:

  1. Csempészháború a szerbiai lőgyakorlatról: The spokesperson for the local guards in Ásotthalom addressed the worsening migration situation and a shooting incident involving smuggling gangs, which was initially mistaken for a military exercise in Serbia.
  1. Putin’s Statements on Peace Talks: Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview with Rossiya 1, expressed his willingness to make compromises in peace talks but emphasized that he would not concede any fundamental demands.
  1. Return of Crew-8: The International Space Station’s previous crew, known as Crew-8, successfully landed near Florida on Friday morning, as reported by Hungarian news sources.
  1. New Hungarian Airline: Hungary Airlines, a new Hungarian airline set to launch in December, aims to expand its services beyond freight transport, which has been its focus since its establishment in 2021.

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