Business Parks: A national regeneration plan is required

Ta Business Parks in Greece they are often under-performing and overall house relatively few businesses, according to the results of new research by DiaNEOsis.

The new research was carried out by a research team of the consulting company Re.De-Plan AE Consultants with the scientific support and supervision of Athena Giannakou, a professor in the Department of Spatial Planning and Development of AUTH and aims to highlight the value of Business Parks “as tools of competitiveness and environmental protection”.

The research looks back at the history of land use regulations in Greece, comments extensively on past attempts to develop business parks and furthermore lists the institutional interventions that the authors consider most appropriate in order to overcome these obstacles.

In fact, the authors submit a specific proposal of one wider National Action Plan and attempt to quantify the impact this would have on the Greek economy.

In addition, the authors note that “the new management-management regime (s. provided by the new law) does not seem to prevent conflict situations between management bodies and established businesses, while there is a possibility of their further exacerbation”.

The writing team “pressed” on the results of a recent study by the Central Union of Chambers (KEE) in order to draw up its own proposal for a broader National Action Plan.

The authors, after their analysis:

  • They recommend her development of Business Parks in 73 areaswith a total area of ​​approximately 100,000 acres throughout Greece, with a total budget of Є1.14 billion (with public participation at 40%, i.e. approximately Є23 million every year for 20 years).
  • Assuming that these 73 parks will host approx 25,300 acres of commercial buildingsthey estimated that they might perform overall economic growth of about Є13.8 billion or 7.7% of GDP (in 2018 terms).
  • They calculated the benefit from the development of the infrastructure projects in 414 jobswhile for the development of the new building facilities in 152,840 jobs.
  • They estimated that the permanent jobs for the operation of the businesses will be from 475if all the businesses that will be established in the business parks of the National Plan are capital intensive, up to 139,425 jobs, if the businesses that will be established are only labor intensive.

#Business #Parks #national #regeneration #plan #required



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