Business confidence still down in June

2023-06-23 13:32:20

Business confidence continued to decline in June, the National Bank of Belgium (BNB) said on Friday.

“The business climate has deteriorated considerably in business services and, to a lesser extent, in trade and manufacturing industry,” said the BNB.

“In business services, where a clear loss of confidence among business leaders was recorded, all components of the indicator deteriorated. In addition to a more negative assessment of the current level of activity, business leaders have also been much more pessimistic regarding the future development of their own business activity, on the one hand, and general market demand, on the other hand.

Indicators were also down in trade and manufacturing.

“Finally, the quasi-stabilization of confidence in construction is due to an improvement in the recent evolution of the order book and better use of equipment, while the other indicators have fallen back somewhat”, specifies- we.

#Business #confidence #June

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