“Busification” of men aged 50-60 is prohibited,

The military leadership of the state has come to the conclusion that it can now refuse recruits of the oldest conscription age

“The conscription of those with limited fitness between the ages of 18 and 25 has stopped. Conscription is possible only with written consent. In the directive of the command of the Ground Forces for operational commands and on TCC No. 116/2/1/21409 dated September 19, 2024, point 1 states the non-conscription of men from 18 to 25 years old. This directive has already been sent to the regional and district TCCs through operational commands,” writes People’s Deputy Oleksiy Goncharenko on his Telegram channel, Patriots of Ukraine reports, and continues:

“There is no demobilization of those who have already been mobilized. We will work and press further. According to the same directive, we are talking about the mobilization of men from 25 to 49 years old.

That is, men aged 50–60 can be mobilized only under a separate mobilization order. This means that in relation to a particular man [має бути] such an order was issued by the General Staff with an indication of all the data that must be presented to this man. That is, “busification” of men aged 50-60 is prohibited.”

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“North Stream” was blown up on the order of Zaluzhny, – Spiegel

The detonation of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in September 2022 was carried out by order of the then Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny without the knowledge of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. This information is published by the German publication Spiegel, referring to the results…



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