Bus card scam: complaint filed – Capital

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The bus card scam is back, particularly in Toulon, where fake transport offers have been noted on social networks. The city’s transport company, Mistral, has filed a complaint.

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– The scam affects public transport users.

Beware of this scam. As the start of the school year approaches, many students and workers take advantage of their return from vacation to renew their public transport subscription. It is recommended to be vigilant, because malicious individuals take advantage of the period to set up well-established scams. In Toulon, a fake transport offer ad was posted on social media, reports Be Matin.

“A free Mistral Network card”we can read on Facebook. This good deal for a Toulon public transport card has aroused the interest of many Toulon residents, but it turns out to be a scamThis is not the first time that this method has been used, specifies the newspaper, which has already noted the same type of publications several months ago.

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Scammers steal bank details

By clicking on the displayed link, Internet users are then directed to a platform on which they must enter their personal information, in particular: their bank details. This way, scammers can steal money from their victims directly from their accounts. The city’s transport network filed a complaint and indicated that these Facebook pages had been reported.

“All transport networks are affected by this type of attack”Sébastien Bossard, director of customer experience at Réseau Mistral, told our colleagues. These scams can also circulate in emails or text messages. If in doubt, it is advisable to contact the transport company in your city.

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