Burkina Faso’s military council appoints Brahim Traore as president

Burkina Faso’s military council has decided to appoint Ibrahim Traore as the country’s president, Sky News reported.

The United States of America expressed its deep concern about the development of events in Burkina Faso, noting that it was closely monitoring the volatile situation and calling on all actors to exercise restraint..

“For the second time in eight months, we note that Burkina Faso’s army officers have confirmed the dissolution of the government and the National Assembly and the suspension of the constitution,” the US State Department said in a press statement posted on its website, adding, “We join our partners in the Economic Community of West African States, the African Union and the African Union.” The European Union condemns these acts and ongoing violence, which risk derailing the agreed timetable for a return to a democratically elected civilian-led government.“.

The US State Department called on officials in the country to calm the situation, prevent harm to citizens and soldiers, and return to the constitutional order, stressing Washington’s firm support for the people of Burkina Faso in their aspirations for democracy, peace, development and respect for human rights.

It is reported that, an officer in the Burkina Faso army announced the overthrow of transitional President Paul Henri Damiba, hours after shootings in the vicinity of the presidential palace in the capital, Ouagadougou.

The army intervened and closed the roads leading to the presidential palace in the capital, Ouagadougou. Those close to the President of Burkina Faso said that the president is fine and the security situation is under control.

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Burkinabe sources indicate to “Sky News” that the military action of a group of army members to release Colonel “Emmanuel Zongrana”, who has been detained since last January, due to settling accounts with the commander of the military council, Damiba.

The military council had accused Emmanuel of conspiracy and money laundering, and he was imprisoned before the real putschists took “discussions underway to restore calm” after “elements of the Burkinabe army moved to release him.”

On September 22, the military court refused the provisional release of Emmanuel Zungrana, who is very popular among the Burkinabe army, and the trial was postponed to October 27 for deliberation.

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