Bunker, reserves, guards… Mark Zuckerberg’s strange real estate project in Hawaii

2023-12-19 06:25:09

Published on Dec 19 2023 at 7:25

Would Mark Zuckerberg be a fan of the collapse theory? If we are to believe the pharaonic real estate project that he is currently carrying out on a Hawaiian island, the idea of ​​a future disappearance of our civilization is in any case in the head of the founder of Meta. Everything seems planned for living independently, far from a possible cataclysm.

Although he would have liked the affair not to get out, “Wired” published in mid-December a vast investigation on the billionaire’s plans. The American media relies on legal documents but also on the anonymous testimonies of people who participated in the project, thus breaking the very demanding confidentiality clause imposed by “Zuck”.

It turns out that the creator of Facebook spent a whopping $170 million in 2014 to acquire a huge plot of land of around 560 hectares on the island of Kauai, the fourth largest in the Hawaiian archipelago. Since then, its approximately 70,000 inhabitants have seen long walls erected around the estate, all monitored by guards who strictly control the entrance and carry out patrols in the surrounding area. “Usually, we only find this level of security on highly sensitive military sites,” says a local elected official.


Out of sight, a strange building complex is taking shape. Thanks to leaked architectural plans, we learn that the site is structured around two large mansions, with a total area of ​​5,300 m2. There you will find the essentials of any billionaire’s home: swimming pools, sauna, tennis court, gym, as well as around thirty luxurious bedrooms and bathrooms. Other more modest dwellings dot the site.

Much more astonishing, a 500 m2 bunker was dug. This is only accessible from the two manors and is protected by an armored door that can withstand the worst explosions. The plans also reveal a whole network of secret passages, sophisticated door locks and an extraordinary video surveillance system. In total, the project is estimated at $100 million.

Proof that the owner of the premises, who clearly does not trifle with security, wants to prepare for any eventuality, the estate is self-sufficient. A huge reservoir and a system of pumps guarantee the water supply, while a large part of the site is devoted to agriculture and livestock. According to “Wired”, Mark Zuckerberg even hired an “agricultural consultant” to make sure he could make a living from his land.

The “bunkerization” of billionaires

If the project of the boss of Meta stands out for its dimensions and its astronomical cost, “Wired” reminds us that more and more billionaires are building highly secure complexes for themselves. The boss of Oracle, Larry Ellison, for example, offered himself an entire island of Hawaii. In Florida, the island of Indian Creek, nicknamed “the billionaires’ bunker”, has seen residents such as Ivanka Trump, daughter of the former tenant of the White House, and the American football mega star Tom Brady.

In 2016, “The New Yorker” magazine even revealed that Peter Thiel, one of the founders of PayPal, and his friend Sam Altman, the co-founder of OpenAI, bought a property in New Zealand, designated by followers of the theory of collapse as the safest place in the event of a cataclysm. Proof that the subject is taken seriously by the two friends, their private jets are always ready to take off for the Oceanian archipelago, just in case.

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