Building a Brighter Future: How the Next Generation of Social Democrats is Strengthening the Welfare State

“Social democratic youth contributing to strengthening the pillars of the social state,” is the slogan of the fifth session of the Free Youth University, which will be organized by the National Federation of Rally Youth on Friday and Saturday, September 13 and 14, 2024, in the city of Agadir.

A statement issued on this matter stated that, “In line with its approach and in harmony with its values ​​and founding principles, and as an extension of the four previous sessions of the Free Youth University, the National Federation of Rally Youth continues to contribute to building the purely Moroccan model of responsible and brilliant youth organizations in framing, training and supporting Moroccan youth, through its intention to organize the Free Youth University in its fifth session.”
According to the statement, a copy of which was received by Agadir 24, this session will be an opportunity for the Rally Youth to work on consolidating the position of the Free Youth University as the largest qualitative youth gathering in the Kingdom, as it is a distinguished annual station through which the National Federation seeks to continue to carry out its full constitutional roles, enlightened in this by the lofty royal directives calling for encouraging Moroccan youth to engage in political life and preparing them to assume responsibility in managing national and local public affairs.
This fifth session will be a real opportunity for more than 3,500 young men and women from the National Rally of Independents party from different regions and provinces of the Kingdom and young Moroccans around the world to continue the discussion launched by the National Federation over the past two years on the social state project sponsored by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, and implemented by the government led by the National Rally of Independents party. It will also be an opportunity to look for ways to move forward towards the sound and effective implementation of the largest social project in the history of the Kingdom in a national and international context marked by many political, economic, natural and social fluctuations and crises. It will also be an opportunity to highlight the richness of the interim government’s record, which was distinguished by the fulfillment of a significant number of government commitments included in the government program. This session will thus crown a path of public discussion opened by the Youth of Independents on the government’s record through regional forums organized in different regions of the Kingdom. The Youth of the Rally will be honored to host representatives of youth and party organizations from different countries of the world as guests of honor and partners of the Youth of Independents.
In this context, this session will witness the contribution of nearly 100 supervisors from inside and outside the Kingdom, in deepening the intellectual debate on the concept of social democracy as an intellectual approach adopted by the National Rally of Independents Party for years and its relationship with the social state system, which constitutes a national priority for the government led by President Aziz Akhannouch. It is also expected that the University of Free Youth in its fifth session will constitute a real opportunity to address all the efforts and the honorable government results in implementing the social protection workshops with all its axes and components by highlighting all the courageous and tangible reforms of important social sectors such as education, health, housing and employment, and the overall positive and tangible results of the rounds of central and sectoral social dialogue in our country.
On this basis, the Rally Youth will seek, through this session of the Free Youth University, to open a discussion on ways for social democratic youth to contribute to keeping pace with the workshops to strengthen the pillars of the social state, through thematic workshops supervised by the best party cadres, professors, researchers, media professionals and guests from outside the homeland.

#Social #democratic #youth #contributing #strengthening #pillars #social #state #slogan #session #University #Free #Youth
2024-09-09 22:43:35

Here are PAA (People Also Ask) related⁤ questions for⁣ the ‍title **”Social Democratic Youth Contributing⁢ to Strengthening the Pillars of the Social ⁢State”**:

Social Democratic Youth Contributing to Strengthening ⁣the Pillars of the Social State

The fifth session of the Free Youth University is set to take place on September 13 and 14, 2024, in the city of Agadir, Morocco. Organized by the National Federation of Rally Youth, this event aims to bring together over 3,500 ​young men ‌and women ⁤from different regions and provinces of⁣ the Kingdom and young Moroccans around the world. The⁣ slogan of this session, “Social democratic youth contributing to strengthening the pillars of the social state,” reflects the focus ​on building a stronger social state in Morocco.


The Free Youth University is an annual ⁣gathering that has been held for the past four years, with the goal of framing, training, ⁤and supporting Moroccan youth. The National Federation of Rally Youth, which‌ is the organizer of the event, ‍aims to promote a purely ⁢Moroccan model of responsible and brilliant youth organizations.


The fifth session of the Free Youth University ⁢has several objectives. Firstly, it aims ⁤to consolidate the position of the Free Youth University as the largest qualitative youth gathering in the Kingdom. Secondly, it seeks to provide a platform for young people to engage in⁢ political life and prepare them to assume responsibility⁢ in managing national and local public affairs.


During the two-day event, participants ⁤will have the opportunity to discuss the social state project, which ‍is sponsored by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and implemented by the government led by the National Rally of Independents party. They⁣ will also explore ways ​to move forward towards the sound and effective implementation of the largest social project in the history of the Kingdom.

Intellectual Debate

The event will feature nearly 100 supervisors ​from⁤ inside and outside the Kingdom, who will contribute ‌to deepening the intellectual ‌debate on‍ the concept of ⁣social democracy and its​ relationship with the social state system. This⁢ is a national priority ​for the government led by⁤ President Aziz Akhannouch.

Social Protection Workshops

The University of Free Youth in its‍ fifth⁤ session will also provide an opportunity to address all the efforts and honorable government results in implementing social protection workshops with all its axes and components. ‍This will include ⁢highlighting courageous and tangible reforms in⁢ important social sectors such as education, health, housing, and employment.

Youth Empowerment

In addition to the discussion on⁤ social democracy and social protection, the event will also focus on empowering young people ​to contribute to⁣ strengthening the pillars of the social state. ⁢This will involve providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to engage in political life and assume responsibility in managing national and⁤ local public affairs.

Networking Opportunities

The event will also provide a platform for young people to network with representatives of ‌youth and ‌party organizations from different countries of the world. This will enable them to ‍share⁣ experiences, exchange ideas, and learn from each other.


The fifth session of the Free Youth University is an important​ event that brings together young people from different regions⁢ and provinces of Morocco ⁢and around the world. By focusing ⁢on social ⁤democracy,⁤ social protection, and ‌youth empowerment, the event aims to​ contribute to building a stronger social state in Morocco. As a leading bank in Morocco, the Bank of Africa offers a youth campus⁢ pack that includes a free bank account‌ and a multitude of advantages, which can benefit young people attending the ⁣event [[1]]. Additionally,⁤ institutions such as the University ‍Ibnou Zohr National School of Applied Sciences offer engineering training programs that can also contribute to building a stronger social state [[2]]. Furthermore, organizations such ‍as the Connect Institute offer volunteer and internship opportunities for⁣ young people to gain experience and skills that can help them contribute to strengthening the pillars of the social state [[3]].





Social democracy

The Importance of Social Democratic Youth in Strengthening the Pillars of the Social State

The concept of the social state, also known as the welfare state, has been a cornerstone of modern democratic societies. It is a system in which the government takes on the responsibility of ensuring the well-being of its citizens through various social programs and services. The social state is designed to provide a safety net for citizens, protecting them from risks such as poverty, illness, and unemployment.

In Morocco, the concept of the social state has been a national priority, with the government led by the National Rally of Independents party working to implement the largest social project in the history of the Kingdom. The social state project, sponsored by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, aims to provide a comprehensive system of social protection for all Moroccan citizens.

The Role of Social Democratic Youth

The social democratic youth play a crucial role in strengthening the pillars of the social state. As the slogan of the fifth session of the Free Youth University states, “Social democratic youth contributing to strengthening the pillars of the social state.” The social democratic youth are the driving force behind the implementation of the social state project, as they are the ones who will be responsible for carrying out the government’s commitments and ensuring that the project is successful.

The social democratic youth are committed to the values of social democracy, which prioritize the well-being of all citizens and aim to create a more equal society. They believe in the importance of the social state in providing a safety net for citizens and ensuring that everyone has access to basic services such as healthcare and education.

The Free Youth University

The Free Youth University is an annual gathering of young men and women from the National Rally of Independents party and young Moroccans from around the world. The university provides a platform for young people to discuss and debate the key issues facing Moroccan society, including the implementation of the social state project.

The fifth session of the Free Youth University, which will take place on September 13 and 14, 2024, in Agadir, will be an opportunity for the Rally Youth to work on consolidating the position of the Free Youth University as the largest qualitative youth gathering in the Kingdom. The session will also provide a platform for young people to continue the discussion on the social state project and to explore ways to move forward with its implementation.

Strengthening the Pillars of the Social State

The social state is built on several pillars, including education, healthcare, housing, and employment. The social democratic youth are committed to strengthening these pillars through various means, including:

  1. Education: Providing access to quality education is essential for ensuring that all citizens have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in life. The social democratic youth believe that education should be free and available to all, regardless of their background or income level.
  2. Healthcare: Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right of all citizens. The social democratic youth believe that healthcare should be universal and free, and that everyone should have access to medical care regardless of their income level or social status.
  3. Housing: Access to decent housing is essential for ensuring that all citizens have a safe and stable place to live. The social democratic youth believe that the government should provide affordable housing options for all citizens, regardless of their income level or social status.
  4. Employment: Providing access to employment opportunities is essential for ensuring that all citizens have the means to support themselves and their families. The social democratic youth believe that the government should provide training and job placement programs to help young people find employment.


the social democratic youth play a crucial role in strengthening the pillars of the social state. Through their commitment to the values of social democracy, they are working to ensure that all citizens have access to basic services such as education, healthcare, housing, and employment. The Free Youth University provides a platform for young people to discuss and debate the key issues facing Moroccan society, and to explore ways to move forward with the implementation of the social state project.







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