Bugs on SNCF Connect: the CEO announces changes and promises an improvement “within a few weeks”

He took care of the following-sales service. This Friday morning, the CEO of the SNCF, Jean-Pierre Farandou, defended on RTL the new application of his company, launched at the end of January, which aims to replace Oui SNCF (ticket sales) and the SNCF Assistant (information traveller) by offering a single tool.

Except that users of this new version have already encountered many problems. “We are going to process all the requests”, let Jean-Pierre Farandou know straight away, recalling that the objective of the newly launched application was to “make things simpler” by changing “the logic of navigation in the application “.

“Fifty changes in 15 days”

Faced with difficulties and bugs, the SNCF has already “made regarding fifty modifications in 15 days”. “A hundred” is still expected “in the coming weeks”, continued the CEO of the group, promising that “things will be resolved within a few weeks, in February-March”. “We are going to improve it, this app,” he concluded, confident.

Among the difficulties encountered, users mention the impossibility of consulting ticket prices, validating a payment or even having a direct train. Even “black screens” when booking.



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