【14:51】Financial Secretary Paul ChanAnnounced to push once moreThe total amount of electronic consumer coupons is 10,000 yuan, the first 5,000 yuan will be issued in April.Government sources pointed out that citizens must continue to use the previous payment tool platform to collect the first 5,000 yuanCouponsthe account cannot be transferred unless the account is invalid or lost.
Although Octopus has a maximum stored value of 3,000 yuan, government sources said that the government will still deposit money into citizens’ accounts. The government plans to follow the previous practice, first count the 4,000 yuan, and ask the citizens to use up the balance of 1,000 yuan following the specified time.
As for those who use the other three platforms, the government will issue 5,000 yuan of consumer coupons at one time, and there is still a limited period of use, which will be announced later.
The second phase of 5,000 yuan is expected to be launched in the middle of the year. The government will then consider introducing other payment platforms. Citizens can choose re-payment platforms in the second phase.
budget‧E-coupon related reports:
List of Budget measures e-coupons, tax cuts, allowances