Budget 2024: the government confirms that it is considering doubling medical deductibles

2023-08-25 12:21:17

Financing the ecological transition and Emmanuel Macron’s campaign promises while reducing the deficit to reassure the markets… The budgetary equation is a difficult balancing act for the government. Among the avenues considered, the executive confirmed the floor on an increase in medical deductibles, as recently revealed by Les Echos.

“The track under study is to increase by 50 cents” the rest to be paid for patients per box of medicine and paramedical act, “while taking into account the most difficult situations” among these, declared the minister of Public Accounts Thomas Cazenave on France 2. “What we want is to guarantee the financing of Social Security” and, “effectively, we are trying to save money”, he justified.

About half a billion euros for the State

Thomas Cazenave recalled that the ceiling for these deductibles was 50 euros per year and per patient. “It protects the most vulnerable,” tried to reassure the Minister of Public Accounts. Minors, pregnant women, beneficiaries of complementary social solidarity and AME are already exempt. He did not mention the deductible of two euros per medical transport, which should therefore remain unchanged.

“Since 2017, we have increased access to health, glasses, audio prostheses, dental care, we continue to finance health accessible to all, but we must also, in responsibility, sometimes find new sources of financing. to guarantee our model”, further defended Thomas Cazenave.

According to Bercy, this measure could bring in 500 to 600 million euros per year. For the executive, this increase in the deductible can appear as an almost painless solution for the insured person. In fact, third-party payment exempts you from having to advance healthcare costs. Also, deductibles are often deducted from a subsequent reimbursement, and therefore the insured ultimately does not pay them directly.

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With AFP

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