Budapest braces for the arrival of a big flood. Almost 850 cm possible on the Danube

Budapest braces for the arrival of a big flood. Almost 850 cm possible on the Danube

After extreme rainfall, a difficult flood situation is also taking place in Hungary. The moving culminating wave on the Danube is heading towards Budapest. Preparations are underway in the city for the coming flood. On Kontakt24 we received photos from the capital of Hungary.

The culminating wave has been moving along the Danube for several days. In the north-west of the country, the flood has cut off several towns from the world. According to the latest forecasts, the front of the flood will reach Budapest around Saturday.

In the capital of Hungary, feverish preparations are underway for the coming flood. On Kontakt24 we received photos of preparations for the coming flood wave in the capital of Hungary.

Nine-meter shafts

In Budapest, all the fortifications and embankments that will keep the Danube in its bed will be completed by Thursday evening, the management of the Capital Sewerage Company (FCSM) announced. In some places, the embankments will be nine meters high.

The city is also finishing up work on Margaret Island – which is home to many hotels, sports fields and restaurants. On Wednesday evening, 90 percent of the planned work was done there, and only additional minor work will be carried out on Thursday.

The construction of a mobile flood barrier on the Pest side at the Dagaly bathing area has also been completed. The structure is over 500 meters long.

According to forecasts, the height of the peak wave in Budapest on Saturday will be 846 centimetres. In the record-breaking 2013, its level reached 891 cm.

Flood preparations underway, BudapestMonika and Waldemar/ Contact24

Flood preparations underway, BudapestMonika and Waldemar/ Contact24

Flood preparations underway, BudapestMonika and Waldemar/ Contact24

Floods in Hungary – Budapest (18/09/2024)PAP/EPA/PETER LAKATOS

Flooded towns

The water level is still rising around the Danube Bend in northwestern Hungary. The town of Kisoroszi has been cut off from the world since Wednesday evening.

Access roads to the island of Solyom have also been closed. The situation is also difficult in the towns of Vac and Kismaros, where local flooding occurred and it was necessary to close several roads and streets.

Fighting the flood

Not only the rescue services but also the army have been involved in helping in the flooded areas. 1,667 soldiers are taking part in the operation, while the territorial defense can send 4,000 people every 24 hours as support. However, many indications are that this will not be necessary. 117 prisoners from prisons are also taking part in the security work.

Flood in Hungary (18/09/2024)PAP/EPA/GERGELY JANOSSY

Main photo source: PAP/EPA/PETER LAKATOS



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