Budanov Unveils Creative Strategy for Sustaining Telegram in Ukraine

Banning Telegram in Ukraine is technically difficult. An alternative to the ban can be deanonymization of Telegram channels. Such an opinion expressed head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence Kyrylo Budanov in an interview with “Radio Charter”.

He called the Telegram messenger a threat to the national security of Ukraine. At the same time, instead of banning it, Budanov suggests making Telegram channels non-anonymous.

The head of GUR noted that, according to official research, Telegram has become the main source of information for Ukrainians. It is still used by many citizens: “It has overtaken absolutely everything.”

According to the head of intelligence, instead of closing the messenger, it is better to “physicalize” anonymous channels so that the authors feel responsible.

“If you want to publish some news, please register. […] Then a person has personal responsibility for what he publishes there. […] If you want to do something, please take responsibility for it. If everything is fine, why are you hiding?” Budanov emphasized.

According to him, it will be “technically more difficult”, although not impossible, to completely close Telegram, as was done with other Russian social networks, such as “Odnoklassniki” and “VKontakte”.

Earlier, Budanov also said that the Telegram messenger poses a problem for Ukraine’s national security. At the time, he stated that he was against suppression of freedom of speech, but not when anyone can create a channel and write “whatever he wants.”

At the same time, according to the head of the GUR, Telegram helps to influence people in the temporarily occupied territories with information. This opinion was shared by other representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, in particular, People’s Deputy Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, who heads the parliamentary committee on freedom of speech.

Telegram may be banned in Ukraine: what is known

At the end of winter, the parliament discussed the situation with the Telegram messenger, where you can find a lot of Russian propaganda. The head of the parliamentary committee on freedom of speech, Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, explained on the air of Public Radio: Telegram and Tik-Tok administrations do not contact the Ukrainian authorities and do not block openly pro-Russian propaganda channels.

“We are looking for mechanisms of “soft action”. If we don’t find them, the competent authorities will regulate the activities of Telegram more sharply,” Yurchyshyn said.

On March 25, the Verkhovna Rada registered a draft law “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Regulation of Activities of Information Sharing Platforms Through which Mass Information is Disseminated.” Its initiators proposed to introduce regulation of the Telegram platform.

On May 19, HUR spokesman Andriy Yusov said that the work of the Telegram messenger in Ukraine needs to be regulated. According to him, military intelligence has repeatedly recorded cases of cooperation between development teams and Russian special services.

On August 5, the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy, Nikita Poturaev, said that because of the threats that Telegram poses to Ukraine, it should be closed.

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  • Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) style questions related to the title “Banning Telegram in Ukraine: Is Deanonymization a Viable Alternative?”:

    Banning Telegram in ⁤Ukraine: Is Deanonymization a Viable Alternative?

    The ‍debate about banning Telegram in Ukraine has been ongoing for some time, with various government officials ‌and authorities ‍expressing concerns about the messenger app’s impact on national security. Recently, Kyrylo Budanov, the head of ‍the Main ⁢Directorate of ⁢Intelligence, suggested that instead of banning Telegram, making ⁢its ‌channels non-anonymous could be a more effective approach. But what does this mean, and is ‍it a viable solution?

    The Threat of Telegram to National Security

    According to Budanov, Telegram has become the main source of‍ information for Ukrainians, and its widespread use poses a significant threat to national security. The app’s anonymity allows users to spread propaganda and⁤ misinformation, which can have detrimental effects on the country’s ⁢security‍ and stability.

    Deanonymization as an Alternative to a Ban

    Budanov proposes making Telegram channels non-anonymous, requiring authors to register⁤ and take personal responsibility for the content⁣ they publish. ‌This, he believes,‌ would make users more accountable and reduce the spread of harmful information. “If you want to publish​ some news, please register. […] Then a person ​has personal responsibility⁣ for⁣ what he publishes there. […] If you want⁤ to do something, please take responsibility for it.⁢ If everything is fine, why are you hiding?” [[1]]

    Technical Difficulties of a Ban

    Budanov acknowledges that completely closing Telegram would be “technically more difficult,” although not impossible, as was done with‌ other ‍Russian‍ social networks like “Odnoklassniki” and “VKontakte.” [[1]]

    Public Opinion on Telegram Regulation

    Recent polls suggest that Ukrainians are divided on the issue of banning Telegram. Over⁤ 50% of Ukrainians oppose a full ban on the app but support certain restrictions on its use [[2]][[3]]. This⁢ indicates that there is a need ⁢for a more nuanced approach to regulating Telegram, rather than an outright ban.

    Government Efforts to Regulate Telegram

    The Ukrainian⁤ government has been actively seeking ways to‌ regulate Telegram’s activities in the country. In March, the Verkhovna Rada ⁤registered a draft law proposing to​ introduce regulation of the Telegram platform [[1]]. Additionally, government officials have called for ⁤”soft action” mechanisms to⁢ regulate Telegram’s activities, citing concerns about the spread of Russian ⁣propaganda on​ the app ⁣ [[1]].


    The debate about banning Telegram in Ukraine is complex and multifaceted. While there are valid concerns about the app’s​ impact on national security, a complete ban may ‌not be the most effective solution. ​Deanonymization of Telegram channels could be a viable alternative, making ‌users more accountable for the content they publish. However, it is ​essential to consider public opinion and the technical difficulties involved in regulating​ the app. Ultimately, a balanced approach that addresses the‍ concerns of all parties involved⁢ is necessary to ensure the security and⁢ stability of Ukraine.





    What are the potential benefits and challenges of implementing deanonymization of Telegram channels in Ukraine?

    Banning Telegram in Ukraine: Is Deanonymization a Viable Alternative?

    The Ukrainian government has been discussing the possibility of banning Telegram, a popular messaging app, due to concerns about national security and the spread of Russian propaganda. However, the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, has suggested that instead of banning Telegram, it would be more effective to introduce deanonymization of Telegram channels. This move would make channel authors more accountable for the content they publish.

    Telegram: A Threat to National Security?

    According to Budanov, Telegram has become the main source of information for Ukrainians, and its unregulated nature poses a significant threat to national security. The head of intelligence believes that Telegram channels are being used to spread propaganda and influence people in temporarily occupied territories.

    Deanonymization: A Viable Alternative?

    Budanov proposes that instead of banning Telegram, the Ukrainian government should make Telegram channels non-anonymous. This would involve requiring channel authors to register and take personal responsibility for the content they publish. Budanov argues that this approach would be more effective in regulating the spread of propaganda and misinformation.

    Technical Difficulties

    Budanov acknowledges that completely banning Telegram would be “technically more difficult,” although not impossible. He cites the example of other Russian social networks, such as Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, which were successfully banned in Ukraine.

    Public Opinion

    Recent polls suggest that most Ukrainians oppose a complete ban on Telegram, but support certain restrictions on its use. According to a survey, 54% of Ukrainians favor limiting and controlling Telegram rather than banning it completely [[2]].

    Government Efforts

    The Ukrainian government has been trying to regulate Telegram for some time. In March, a draft law was registered in the Verkhovna Rada to introduce regulation of the Telegram platform. In May, the HUR spokesman Andriy Yusov stated that the work of the Telegram messenger in Ukraine needs to be regulated.


    The debate about banning Telegram in Ukraine is ongoing, with different opinions on the best approach to regulate the messaging app. While some argue that a complete ban is necessary, others suggest that deanonymization of Telegram channels could be a viable alternative. As the Ukrainian government continues to discuss the issue, one thing is clear: the need to regulate Telegram and prevent the spread of propaganda and misinformation is a pressing concern for national security.


    [1] https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/09/9/7474146/

    [2] https://unn.ua/en/news/most-ukrainians-oppose-telegram-ban-poll

    [3] https://kyivindependent.com/telegram-in-ukraine/



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