Bucci Steps Up as Center-Right Candidate in Liguria

The center-right game for the candidate for the presidency of the Liguria Region has been resolved. Yesterday morning a last attempt was made (carried out by the League, according to a “big” of the majority) to convince the mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci to take the field for the elections in Liguria. And the pressure has borne fruit: according to what was gathered by , the mayor has dissolved his reservations and is ready to run to challenge the left. His name had already been circulating in the days following the resignation of Giovanni Toti. The lists for the regional elections must be presented by September 28, hence the need to tighten up for the leader of the center-right, who accelerated on the post-Toti dossier in the leaders’ summit held yesterday at Palazzo Chigi. The challenge will be with Andrea Orlando, a member of the Democratic Party and former minister, who is however struggling with several headaches for holding the broad field.

Confirmation of our newspaper’s news came from a joint statement from the center-right leaders. Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini, Antonio Tajani and Maurizio Lupi announced that the center-right candidate for the Presidency of the Liguria Region is Marco Bucci, the current Mayor of Genoa. “Marco Bucci is the right person to give continuity to the growth of Liguria carried out in recent years thanks to the excellent work of the center-right. Bucci has demonstrated, in the field, that he is an excellent administrator. He was one of the protagonists of that ‘Genoa model’ that allowed the wound of the Morandi bridge to be healed in record time and the new Ponte San Giorgio to be built, he carried out major infrastructure works, he invested in the specificities of the territory and he took care of redeveloping the suburbs of Genoa. We are convinced that the Ligurian citizens will appreciate his administrative and political skills and support the path of change started by the center-right. We thank Mayor Bucci for accepting this new, extraordinary challenge. A choice that once again demonstrates his love for his land”, the words of Meloni, Salvini, Tajani and Lupi.

#Liguria #Bucci #candidacy #centerright #Tempo
2024-09-12 19:00:28

Here is a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title **”Liguria Region Elections: Marco Bucci Emerges as ⁤Center-Right Candidate”**:

Liguria Region Elections: Marco Bucci⁣ Emerges as Center-Right Candidate

The ⁢center-right coalition ⁢has finally found‌ its candidate for the presidency of the ‍Liguria Region, with Genoa Mayor Marco Bucci emerging as the chosen one ‌to challenge the⁣ left in ‌the⁣ upcoming regional elections. This development‌ comes after a series ‌of negotiations and pressure from the League, a key player in the center-right coalition [[3]].

Bucci’s decision to run for the presidency of ⁣the Liguria Region⁢ is seen ⁣as a strategic move to give continuity ⁣to the growth of‍ the ⁤region, which has experienced significant development in⁤ recent years under the center-right administration [[3]]. The mayor of Genoa has a ⁣proven track record of administrative excellence, ⁢having successfully implemented the “Genoa model” that enabled⁣ the rapid reconstruction of the ‍Morandi bridge and the construction of the new Ponte San Giorgio⁣ [[3]].

The center-right leaders, including Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini, Antonio Tajani, and‍ Maurizio Lupi, have all‌ endorsed ⁤Bucci’s⁣ candidacy, praising his administrative and political skills [[3]]. ‍The joint statement from the center-right leaders expressed their confidence in ⁤Bucci’s ability to⁢ build on the achievements of the current administration and take the⁤ region⁣ forward.

Bucci’s candidacy is a significant development ⁤in the Liguria ⁣Region elections, which are expected to be intensely​ contested. The left, led by Andrea ⁤Orlando, a member of ⁢the Democratic Party and former minister, is already ⁣facing challenges in holding‌ together‌ a ⁤broad coalition [[3]]. ‌With‌ Bucci’s entry into the fray, the ⁤center-right⁢ coalition‍ is well-positioned to capitalize on the divisions within⁢ the left and⁤ make a strong bid for the presidency of⁣ the Liguria Region.

The Liguria Region ​has been in the news recently, with the resignation of Governor Giovanni Toti in July 2024, amid a corruption investigation⁣ [[1]]. The regional elections, scheduled ⁤for later this year, are​ expected to⁢ be a key test of the region’s political ‌landscape.

In the context of the 2020 ⁣regional elections in Italy,⁣ Liguria was one of ‍the regions ⁣where the center-right⁢ coalition performed ‌well, with the‍ League emerging as a significant player​ in the region [[2]]. The ⁤current political scenario, with Bucci’s candidacy, is likely to‌ lead to a⁣ closely contested election ⁤that will⁤ determine the future course of the ‍Liguria Region.

the emergence of ⁣Marco Bucci as⁤ the center-right candidate for the presidency of⁣ the Liguria Region is a significant development that is likely to shape the outcome⁢ of ⁣the regional elections. With his administrative experience and political acumen, Bucci is‌ well-positioned to make a ⁤strong bid for the presidency and give the center-right coalition a competitive‌ edge in the elections.

What are the key achievements of Marco Bucci that support his candidacy for the presidency of the Liguria Region?

Liguria Region Elections: Marco Bucci Emerges as Center-Right Candidate

The center-right coalition has finally found its candidate for the presidency of the Liguria Region, with Genoa Mayor Marco Bucci emerging as the chosen one to challenge the left in the upcoming regional elections. This development comes after a series of negotiations and pressure from the League, a key player in the center-right coalition [[3]].

Bucci’s decision to run for the presidency of the Liguria Region is seen as a strategic move to give continuity to the growth of the region, which has experienced significant development in recent years under the center-right administration [[3]]. The mayor of Genoa has a proven track record of administrative excellence, having successfully implemented the “Genoa model” that enabled the rapid reconstruction of the Morandi bridge and the construction of the new Ponte San Giorgio [[3]].

The center-right leaders, including Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini, Antonio Tajani, and Maurizio Lupi, have all endorsed Bucci’s candidacy, praising his administrative and political skills [[3]]. The joint statement from the center-right leaders expressed their confidence in Bucci’s ability to build on the achievements of the



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