Bucci and Orlando: Pioneers of the Ligurian Horizon

by Gianvito Caldararo

Now that the whirlwind of names in both camps for the upcoming regional elections in Liguria is over, the game for the seat of President of the Liguria region will be played between Marco Bucci, current mayor of Genoa, and Andrea Orlando, a long-standing PD deputy and several times Minister of the Republic. Marco Bucci is an entrepreneur and business manager, identified with the famous “Genoa model”, on the occasion of the timely reconstruction of the collapsed “Morandi Bridge”. Andrea Orlando is a pure politician, trained in the FIGC, the youth movement of the PCI, and became a leader of the PDS, then of the DS and finally of the PD (Democratic Party), holding the position of deputy for many years and several times that of minister.

Upon hearing the news that Bucci was the center-right candidate, Orlando declared: “Bucci is a candidate in continuity with Toti. An advantage for us.” Some have urged Orlando to be more cautious, also because the Toti affair has divided public opinion into two significant positions. On one side, those who have interpreted the judicial initiative as a serious intrusion by magistrates, after four years of investigations and wiretaps, with the aim of delegitimizing the activity of a Governor who has operated well and who has been the beneficiary of all traceable and transparent funding.

On the other hand, the indignant citizens, who however have drawn from the affair confirmation of their thesis that politics is dirty and corrupt and that the magistrates did well to intervene to protect republican ethics. The thought of Matteo Renzi could not be missing, who said that “Bucci was a good mayor and we worked well together”. But he immediately clarified the following: “Today he is running for the center-right as Governor of Liguria. But this time we of Italia Viva will not support him. We chose two months ago to adhere to the appeal of Elly Schlein, leader of the PD, to build a new center-left. Politics has its rules: there is no friendship or personal esteem that can overcome this contradiction. This is politics done with the head and not with the stomach”. He continued with this bitter reflection: “From this story emerges once again a banal observation: the center-right argues about everything but then unites on the candidacies. In the center-left, however, despite Elly Schlein’s appeals, Conte’s noes remain. And those who veto play for their opponents”.

We are waiting to see what the joint action of Elly Schlein and candidate Orlando will lead to, who has never expressed his opinion on Conte’s veto, supported by Fratoianni of Avs. Orlando knows that the situation in Liguria is very difficult, because the case of Italia Viva is also associated with the case of Nicola Morra, the former M5S member who is running for Governor of Liguria under the banner of “Uniti per la Costituzione”, which in addition to Morra, City Councilor in Vado Ligure (Savona), also has a City Councilor in Genoa, Mattia Crucioli.

It has been noted that while Bucci is well established in Genoa, a city of over 561 thousand inhabitants, Orlando is rooted in La Spezia which has 92 thousand inhabitants. Will these arguments be enough to make Conte and Fratoianni change their position? Will Conte be able to overcome his personal resentment towards Renzi, towards whom he continues to direct violent attacks such as: a) Renzi is a businessman, Italians do not trust him; b) Renzi is a polluting presence; c) we are in politics to fight profiteering”. Renzi replies harshly with solid political and merit-based arguments, but he presents himself as responsible because he thinks with his head and not with his stomach. Also because he intends to keep the word he gave to Elly Schlein. It is hoped that with a united centre-right, the centre-left will also find its unity and compactness. Someone has pointed out that the Morra phenomenon could also benefit from the underground support of the “grillini” and that in support of Morra the various Toninelli, Di Battista, Lezzi etc.etc. will show up to give him a strong hand.

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Toti Liguria partito

Liguria Regional Elections: A Battle for the President’s ⁤Seat

The regional elections⁣ in Liguria, a picturesque region in northwest Italy, are⁢ just around the corner, ‍and the competition for the⁢ President’s seat is heating up. The two main contenders, Marco Bucci, the current ⁣mayor of Genoa, and Andrea Orlando,⁤ a long-standing PD ⁣deputy and several times Minister of the‍ Republic,⁤ are gearing up⁣ for a ​fierce battle.

Marco Bucci, ⁤an entrepreneur⁤ and business‍ manager, is ​known for his involvement in​ the ​”Genoa model” during the reconstruction of the collapsed Morandi Bridge. Orlando, on the other‍ hand, is a seasoned politician with a strong background in ⁣the‌ Democratic Party (PD).

The campaign took an⁣ interesting⁢ turn when Orlando declared that⁢ Bucci’s candidacy was a continuation ‌of Toti’s legacy, which could ​work in⁤ their favor. ‌However, this statement⁤ has⁢ sparked controversy, with some urging Orlando to be more cautious due to the ⁢divisive nature of the Toti affair. The Toti ⁢affair has​ sparked a heated debate, with⁤ some seeing it as an attempt to delegitimize‌ the Governor’s activities, ​while others believe it was necessary⁢ to protect republican ethics.

Meanwhile, Matteo Renzi, former Prime Minister‌ of ‌Italy, has expressed‌ his thoughts on Bucci’s candidacy. ‍While‌ acknowledging⁤ that they had worked well together, Renzi ‌clarified⁣ that Italia ⁢Viva, the ‌party ‌he leads, ⁤would not ‍support Bucci’s center-right candidacy.⁢ This⁣ decision is seen as a significant development in the campaign, highlighting the complexities of Italian politics.

The ​situation in Liguria‍ is further ⁣complicated​ by the presence of ⁤Nicola Morra, a ⁣former M5S member running for Governor under ‍the ⁢banner of ⁣”Uniti per la Costituzione”. ⁤This adds another layer of ⁤complexity to the election, ⁤with multiple⁣ candidates vying for the ⁣top ⁤spot.

The key to victory may lie in⁤ the joint ⁢action ⁣of Elly Schlein, leader of the ⁤PD, and candidate Orlando.⁢ Will they be⁢ able to overcome the hurdles and⁤ unite ‍the center-left? The outcome‌ of the ⁤election will depend on various factors, including the ability of the candidates to⁢ appeal to⁤ the electorate and overcome their personal ⁢differences.

The regional elections in Liguria are⁢ scheduled to take place on September 20 ⁤and ⁢21, 2020,​ as per the Council of Europe’s election calendar [[1]]. ⁣This election will⁣ be a crucial test ⁤for the candidates, with the outcome set to have ‍significant⁤ implications for the region’s⁢ future.

the Liguria regional elections are shaping up to be a thrilling contest, with multiple​ candidates vying ‍for​ the ⁤top spot. As the campaign ⁤heats up, it remains to ⁤be seen who will ⁤emerge victorious ⁢and take ‌the reins of ‍the‌ Liguria region.



<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89lectionsr%C3%A9gionalesde2020enLigurie”>[[2]]

<a ‍href="https://ansabrasil.com.br/english/news/generalnews/2024/09/11/centre-right-announces-bucci-to-run-for-liguria-governor_7951c4a2-0cfe-4583-91a5-70ef687b39df.html”>[[3]]

Here are some suggested “People Also Ask” (PAA) questions related to the title **”Liguria Regional Elections: Marco Bucci vs Andrea Orlando – A Battle for the Future of the Region”**:

Liguria Regional Elections: Marco Bucci vs Andrea Orlando – A Battle for the Future of the Region

The whirlwind of names for the upcoming regional elections in Liguria has finally subsided, and the game for the seat of President of the Liguria region is now set to be played between Marco Bucci, the current mayor of Genoa, and Andrea Orlando, a long-standing PD deputy and several times Minister of the Republic. As the candidates prepare for the election, the region is abuzz with excitement and uncertainty.

The Candidates: A Tale of Two Paths

Marco Bucci, an entrepreneur and business manager, has made a name for himself in Genoa with his role in the timely reconstruction of the collapsed Morandi Bridge, earning him the label of the “Genoa model”. On the other hand, Andrea Orlando is a pure politician, trained in the youth movement of the PCI, and has held various positions in the PDS, DS, and the PD (Democratic Party). While Bucci is well-established in Genoa, a city of over 561 thousand inhabitants, Orlando is rooted in La Spezia, which has 92 thousand inhabitants.

The Toti Factor

Upon hearing the news that Bucci was the center-right candidate, Orlando declared that Bucci was a candidate in continuity with Toti, an advantage for his camp. The Toti affair has divided public opinion into two significant positions: those who see the judicial initiative as a serious intrusion by magistrates, and those who believe it is necessary to protect republican ethics. This divide may play a significant role in the election, as it has sparked intense debate about the nature of politics in Italy.

The Matteo Renzi Factor

Matteo Renzi, a prominent figure in Italian politics, has stated that “Bucci was a good mayor, and we worked well together”. However, he clarified that Italia Viva will not support Bucci in the election, citing the need to build a new center-left. This development may have implications for the election, as Renzi’s Italia Viva has significant influence in the region.

The Center-Left Conundrum

While the center-right has traditionally united behind a single candidate, the center-left has been plagued by divisions and vetoes. Elly Schlein, leader of the PD, has appealed for unity, but Conte’s noes remain, and those who veto play for their opponents. The joint action of Schlein and Orlando will be crucial in determining the outcome of the election.

The Nicola Morra Factor

Nicola Morra, a former M5S member, is running for Governor of Liguria under the banner of “Uniti per la Costituzione”, which has City Councilors in Vado Ligure (Savona) and Genoa. This development may further complicate the election, as Morra’s candidacy may draw support from discontented citizens.

The European Elections Connection

Recent European elections have seen significant shifts in Italy’s political landscape. Fratelli d’Italia emerged as the leading party, followed closely by the PD, which saw a surge in popularity [1[1]. The League did poorly, and Forza Italia overtook them, while the 5 Star Movement saw a significant slump in support. These results may have implications for the regional election, as they highlight the shifting sands of Italian politics.

The Road Ahead

As the election approaches, the people of Liguria are left wondering what the future holds for their region. Will Marco Bucci’s entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen be enough to sway voters, or will Andrea Orlando’s political experience and connections in La Spezia prove decisive? One thing is certain – the battle for Liguria’s future has only just begun.


[1] European: Fratelli d’Italia wins, PD second and on the rise (https://www.eunews.it/en/2024/06/10/european-2024-fratelli-ditalia-confirmed-first-party-pd-second-and-growing-m5s-meltdown/)

[2] Latest from Italy: A Leader Arrested, A General on the … (https://polls.euronews.com/analysis/latest-from-italy-a-leader-arrested-a-general-on-the-ballot-and-the-italian-prime-minister-key-to-the-next-eu-parliamentlatest-from-italy/)

[3] Europee 2024, depositate le liste: ecco chi sono i candidati … (https://www.genova24.it/2024/05/europee-2024-liste-candidati-liguria-384268/)



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