BUAP Medicine will have a new building, Cedillo announces

BUAP Medicine will have a new building, announces Lilia Cedillo. Photo: Special

With its accredited programs, the BUAP Faculty of Medicine demonstrates the collegiate work of its members, so it is a pride to belong to it as a teacher, he stressed the President Lilia Cedillo Ramírezwho announced the construction of a new building.

The above, following listening to the First Work Report of the director Guillermo Vázquez de Lara.

“The work they have done has not been easy. developed in this faculty, one of the largest in our university and without a doubt the one that is most in demand. It is no accident that when we apply for a health service we always find one of its graduates”, express.

Cedillo Ramírez recognized the performance of his director, especially because of the conditions in which he has worked and the challenges involved in facing the pandemic: “We came from a transition period and now the Dr. Guillermo Vazquez de Lara take the helm and give direction to a safe port. I know of the important work that this unit council and I recognize the accreditation of the Bachelor of Medicine, all this to the pride of the university students”.

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In said ceremony, the rector announced the construction of a new building, a space that contributes to the development of the teaching and research work of this academic unitwhich, he said, has worked hard.

First work report

During his presentation, Vazquez de Lara Cisneros remembered that the BUAP Faculty of Medicine has been characterized for 190 years by training health professionals with a vocation for service and social commitment, highly qualified, as well as for enjoying national and international recognition.

Five bachelor’s degrees are currently offered, two associate professional programs, two master’s degrees and 22 medical residencies in 36 hospital locations, with an enrollment of 8 thousand 985 students. Your staff is composed of 60 administrators and 328 teachers.

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He mentioned that the conditions derived from the pandemic imposed new challenges in terms of teaching, given the importance of practice in the races it offers. Given this scenario, various strategies were chosen to comply with the professional practice in the periods of 2021 and 2022. structured practical theoretical courses of continuing education, with the aim of strengthening knowledge.

Another aspect highlighted in this report was the reaccreditation of the Bachelor of Medicine, by the Mexican Council for the Accreditation of Medical Education (Comaem), which evaluated the study programs, the profile of the students, the infrastructure and the quality of teaching, as well as the preparation of teachers.

Vázquez de Lara Cisneros stated that the program of Associate Professional in Imaging already has accreditation by CIEES at level 1; and the Master in Medical Sciences and Research belongs to the Conacyt’s National Register of Postgraduate Quality.

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He also reported that they have the endorsement for 22 medical specialties; agreements are in force with at least 36 hospital centers where students complement their academic preparation; the creation of a gender equity commission; actions to support academic processes; physical plant maintenance; Y projects such as the Academic Model for Providing Health Care (MAPAS) with the University of Texas at Austin.

He thanked the support of Cedillo Ramírez, his officials, fellow teachers and administrative staffwho have accompanied him in this work at the head of one of the most emblematic faculties of the university.




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