BTS Jungkook IG suddenly disappeared! Fans thought they were hacked? He responded personally: I quit – Kpopn

Image source: BTS official FB

World bomb BTS members started to open personal IG in 2021, which quickly attracted fans from all over the world to go on a pilgrimage. Members also often interact with fans through IG. Unexpectedly, on the 28th, sharp-eyed fans discovered that Jungkook’s IG had disappeared. Worried about being hacked, Jungkook also explained the reason why he disappeared from IG through Weverse earlier.

Image source: BTS official Twitter

Jungkook said on Weverse, “I quit IG, not because I was hacked 🙂 I deleted it because I didn’t use it anymore…don’t worry!!!” and promised fans “Hey hey hey hey hey ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ What can I do if I don’t use it anymore Do it!!? I will often use Weverse to broadcast live”, and then said “The software has also been deleted, and I will not use it again in the future! Let everyone know in advance!!!ㅎ.ㅎ”

Image source: Jungkook IG

With so many followers, he actually said that if he doesn’t use it, he doesn’t need it. As expected of Jungkook, he also told everyone that he probably won’t use it in the future, but he will interact with fans through Weverse. It seems that Jungkook is more used to other things than IG. method, but fortunately it is not hacked, you can still interact with Xiaoguo in different ways in the future~

Reported by Kpopn’s Tien
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