Brzezinski’s worst fears come true under the SCO framework

“Brzezinski’s death marks the end of the American elite.”

That was the verdict on American politics when Brzezinski died in 2017. At that time, Trump was setting off a populist whirlwind in the United States. This country, once regarded by the world as a “beacon of democracy” and a model of governance, was subverting traditional elite politics in a way that had never been seen in the past two hundred years, showing political extremes. dangerous consequences.

As a representative figure of American elite politics, Brzezinski saw the beginning of the play. But he might not have imagined that, shortly following his death, Trumpism would use populism and in the name of safeguarding democracy and freedom to set off the most serious constitutional crisis in American history – congressional riots, let alone that the international order would follow the trajectory he described during his lifetime. , so quickly became a reality in Eurasia.

Brzezinski is a well-known geopolitical researcher. His geopolitical theory has been an authority in the geopolitical field since he was alive. He is also known as the “Three National Teachers” of the United States together with Huntington and Kissinger. Although these names sound like “antiques” of the last century to young Americans, their judgments on geopolitics are always verified by history one by one.

In 1997, Brzezinski published the book “The Great Chess Game”. The book contains a warning regarding the geopolitical and foreign policy of the US government. Combined with the current SCO summit, it is once once more verified by history:

“The greatest potential danger to the United States is China’s grand alliance with Russia, and perhaps Iran. The reason for this ‘anti-hegemonic’ alliance is not ideology, but complementary dissatisfaction with the United States.”

In the process of maintaining hegemony, China, Russia and Iran are being squeezed together strategically by the United States due to the increasingly radical repressive behavior of the United States that is compromising with populism. Although the three countries have not yet formed an “alliance” relationship, but However, its domestic and foreign policies are showing increasingly stronger coordination and consistency.

The SCO provides just such a platform and opportunity.

Brzezinski is an iconic figure in American diplomacy, on par with Kissinger. “Financial Times” once commented that he “has an almost instinctive understanding of Russian nationalism, a person who foresaw the collapse of the Soviet Union.”

In 2005, Iran became an observer state of the SCO. Iran has been applying for full membership since 2008.

In August 2021, Iran said it had removed political obstacles to joining the SCO. In September of the same year, the SCO summit in Dushanbe launched the process of accepting Iran as a full member.

From September 15 to 16, 2022, the SCO summit held in the historic city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan, was attended by leaders of 15 countries, and a new round of organizational expansion was one of the main topics of the summit.

According to RIA Novosti, Ushakov, an assistant to the Russian president for international affairs, said as early as September 13 that Iran will participate in the SCO summit in 2023 as a full member. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Qanani also said the day before that Iranian President Raisi will attend the Samarkand summit and sign the document to join the SCO.

Ushakov said that the Samarkand summit will sign a memorandum on Iran’s fulfillment of SCO obligations so that Iran can obtain membership in the organization. “This means that following fulfilling these obligations, Iran will participate as a full member in the next summit in India next year,” Ushakov said.

In the end, Iran did sign a memorandum to join the SCO at the summit. Brzezinski’s worst fear has become a reality under the SCO framework. Obama said, “Biden has the ability to screw up everything.” Judging from the chess game between US geosecurity and international politics, at least according to Brzezinski’s judgment standard, Obama is not wrong!



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