Brzeg Dolny on standby. Residents look at the Oder with concern [AKTUALIZACJA]

Beata Makowska, AS, PP | Created: 2024-09-19 14:19 | Modified: 2024-09-19 14:24

photo: Beata Makowska

The peak wave is expected to reach this commune this evening and is expected to reach 950 cm, which is 3 meters above the alarm level.

2:00 am

The meeting of the Commune Crisis Team has begun, and its members have exchanged information on the condition of flood embankments in the commune. The Odra River level in Brzeg Dolny continues to rise and currently stands at 926 cm.

1:30 am

The level of the Odra has risen and is now 922 cm.


The current level of the Odra in Brzeg Dolny is 915 cm.


The meeting of the Municipal Crisis Staff has begun, during which the situation on the flood embankments was discussed. The firefighters are constantly monitoring the situation, trying to secure seepages and counteracting any crisis situations.


Tadeusz Janiszewski talks about the current situation:


Beata Makowska talks to the residents:

12:00 hrs

At around 12 o’clock the level reached 868 cm. Currently, help is needed to transport bags from the Municipal Economy Board area to areas at risk of flooding: including Wodna Street, the area under the Most Wolności road bridge, 4 Czerwca, Kręsko – former port, the vicinity of Pysząca. Deputy Mayor Kamil Jeżyna said that various scenarios are still being considered:

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“The worst-case scenario is the flooding of part of the old town, which is what happened in ’97. This situation was largely caused by a breach in the embankment. This danger also exists because we know that the time it takes for the wave to pass will be longer. Unfortunately, this will have a negative impact on these elements.”

The District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Wołów confirms that water from all waterworks in the Brzeg Dolny commune is suitable for consumption.

The services expect the river to reach its peak height of 950 cm by the evening, which is 3 meters above the alarm level. – The worst-case scenario is the flooding of part of the old town, which is the scenario that took place in 1997. To a large extent, this situation was caused by a breach in the embankment. Such a danger also exists, because we know that the time the wave will pass will be extended – Deputy Mayor Kamil Jeżyna told Radio Wrocław:

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“We are doing what we can, and we hope that what has been planned and what we still want to do today will be enough. What we need most is hands to work. Because there is still a lot of work to do.”

In many places in Brzeg Dolny and the commune, the embankments are seeping through. The authorities are urging residents of the areas near the Odra to self-evacuate.



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