Brutal machete attack on three Argentines in Mexico: the Embassy intervenes

2023-05-13 20:30:00

Three Argentines who were on a beach Mexico were brutally assaulted by a man who he used a machete to attack them. The victims were seriously injured, for which they were urgently transferred to a hospital, while the 21-year-old assailant was arrested.

The first reports of the case began to arrive in Argentina on Friday night. A well-known Mexican journalist reported it through Twitter past 10:30 p.m. this Friday with three images of the fact.

everything happened in Chacahua Lagoonsa tourist spot belonging to the municipality of Villa de Tututepecin the coastal region of Oaxaca.

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In the photos he shared, a young man is seen being treated by doctors before being transferred by ambulance. The man is supported on a stretcher while the professional performs the first cures. Yet he can see a large cut that starts from the head towards the foreheadin addition to the bloody body.

The moment when the victims were transferred.

The case involved local authorities and The Argentine Embassy in Mexico has already activated the protocols to assist victims. In turn, contact has already been made with the families of the three young people, ages 29, 23 and 22, PROFILE learned.

The Embassy intervenes

The Argentine ambassador in Mexico, Carlos Taken, next to the consul Maria Gabriela Quinteros They are already involved in the case. At this time they were seeking to establish contact with the Prosecutor’s Office that is involved in the case, something that until now was complicated by the dynamics of the weekend.

Boudou was transferred on a medical flight from Neuquén to the Italian Hospital in Buenos Aires

Other steps are being taken for a possible hospital transfer of one of the Argentine citizens”, indicated a diplomatic source to PROFILE.

The three victims of the attack have been identified. are MAcarena González, 29 years old; Benjamin Gamond, 23; and Santiago Lastra, 22. The most complicated, according to what could be reconstructed, is Gamond, who would have received the deepest cut on his face.

Assaulted in Mexico
Gamond (left) and Lastra (right), two of the victims.

In fact, his family received the news early on. “He is in a hospital in Mexico fighting for his life. He suffered a violent attack with a machete to his heada, which caused him serious injuries. His family needs your collaboration to be able to give him a chance to recover ”, read a post that was soon reproduced by friends and acquaintances of the young man. They shared the alias facu.gamond (Banco Santander) to receive funds to pay for medical care.

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The three young people were in Mexico several months ago, where they rThey toured places like Tulum and Quintana Roo.

The assailant arrested

According to what PROFILE learned, the 21-year-old assailant was already arrested and is at the disposal of the local Justice who investigates the case. Focused on the evolution of Gamond’s health, they seek to establish what the moment of the event was like and the reasons why they began to be attacked.

Boudou is in intensive care and would have suffered a “transient cerebrovascular accident”

The brutal attack occurred in a paradisiacal point located just over 50 kilometers from the metropolitan area of ​​the city of Oaxaca. It is a natural reserve where there is a river, islands and a large amount of vegetation and birds, in the middle of a tropical climate. The destination is one of the attractions chosen by the citizens of the area and is currently a protected area.


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