Brutal knife attack in Annecy – latest updates on the asylum seeker suspect

2023-06-09 07:55:34

Annecy (F)

He applied for asylum in Switzerland – this is known about the knife man

In a brutal knife attack, Abdalmasih H. fatally injured four small children on Thursday. Now the Syrian is to be examined psychiatrically.


In this video you can see the perpetrator walking around the playground with a knife.

(Video: Twitter/@FrkKool)

  • Five people were seriously injured in a brutal knife attack in Annecy, France, on Thursday.

  • According to initial findings, the victims, including four small children, were attacked indiscriminately.

  • Now there are new details about the alleged perpetrator.

The alleged perpetrator of the brutal knife attack in Annecy, in which four small children and one adult were critically injured, underwent a psychiatric examination on Friday. Such an investigation is planned for Friday morning, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told TV channel TF1 on Thursday evening. Meanwhile, more and more details about the perpetrator are becoming known.

This is how the perpetrator lived in Annecy

As “Le Parisien” writes, Abdalmasih H., who has been in France since November 2022, has several Stayed at the park in Annecy for weeks, before the bloody deed broke out on Thursday. The Syrian citizen has been sleeping in a doorway in the center of Annecy since his arrival, according to a local resident. “He always went to bed early, always brushed his teeth and trimmed his nails too – I thought he had a job.”

The perpetrator has something to do with Switzerland

As French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said, the alleged perpetrator had applied for asylum in various countries in recent months – including Switzerland, where it is said to be pending. «The reasons are inexplicable for us. He didn’t have to do this because he had had asylum in Sweden for ten years,” Darmanin told TF1 TV.

That’s what the police knew about Abdalmasih

The 31-year-old was apparently largely unknown to the authorities: According to the local court, he lived in “orderly circumstances”. On November 28, 2022, the Syrian applied for asylum, which was recently rejected because Abdalmasih H. already had refugee status in Sweden. Abdalmasih H. came to Sweden in the summer of 2013 and was married for a while to a woman he met in Turkey. He later left the country because he was not granted citizenship.

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That’s what his mother says

That’s what Abdalmasih’s ex-wife says

This is known about possible motives

Prosecutor Line Bonnet-Mathis said Thursday that “nothing suggests a terrorist motive” according to investigators. As could be heard in the videos of the knife attack, Abdalmasih H. shouted “In the name of Jesus Christ” during his attack. Upon entering France, the Syrian citizen declared himself an “Eastern Christian”. Meanwhile, residents of Annecy report that the 31-year-old did not appear particularly religious.

This has happened before

The attack in south-east France, in which five people were critically injured, including four small children, had caused international horror. The brutal attack happened around 9:45 a.m. on Thursday morning. According to the police, two children and one adult were in mortal danger. The other two children suffered minor injuries.

“We saw a person attacking small children playing, obviously they were his target,” said an eyewitness. “After that, some people tried to catch the man. But he ran away and the police intervened. The man spoke English and seemed confused. At first we all thought it was a staging, but because of the screams of the people you could tell that it was real,” a witness told the Scene France Bleu Pays de Savoie.

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#Annecy #Christian #homeless #Abdalmasih

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