Brussels traffic plan: the opposition not on the same wavelength

Very critical, the MR calls for an immediate change to this plan which came into force on Tuesday. Its president, Georges-Louis Bouchez, accuses the college of the City of Brussels of “killing the capital a little more every day”, because the new plan would increase the duration and length of journeys, which “increases pollution, kills the economy and destroys well-being”.

MR elected officials also relay critical voices, such as that of the SLFP Firefighters. “I am shocked and particularly worried to read that the recommendations of the firefighters have not been followed. How can we accept that citizens can be put in danger because of exceeded response times”, asked Vincent De Wolf, Brussels deputy and mayor of Etterbeek. He calls for corrective measures before the start of the school year.

The Brussels Engagés meanwhile welcomed the start of the new traffic plan on Friday, even if they are calling for a strict schedule of evaluation and adaptation.

“This traffic plan is a test. We must give it a chance”, according to Brussels deputy Christophe De Beukelaer. “All cities where life is good have gone through this phase where transit traffic is reduced to reallocate public space to residents, workers, shopkeepers and visitors. Brussels might no longer lag behind other metropolises. in this respect! The important thing is to monitor and dare to go back if necessary”, he added.

For Didier Wauters, leader Les Engagés/CD&V+ at the City, the solution to mobility is indeed loop traffic. “We will be extremely attentive to bring up the difficulties on the ground and adapt the plan where necessary. (…) We will all need a little patience for new habits to be taken”.

The launch of “Good Move” resulted in congestion of motorists discovering the new routes, but also an injured person surprised by the rise of an automatic terminal. Despite the traffic jams of the first days, no quick adjustment is to be expected. The markings on the ground will nevertheless be refined in order to clarify certain situations. For the Alderman for Mobility, Bart Dhondt (Groen), the problems identified are not surprising and are part of the necessary period of adaptation.

Comments on the new traffic plan can be submitted on the site An e-mail address and a telephone number are also available.



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