Brussels Minister of Environment, Alain Maron, Addresses Pfas Pollution Issue in Regional Parliament

2023-11-12 13:35:16

The MR wishes to hear the Brussels Minister of the Environment, Alain Maron (Ecolo), in the Environment Committee of the regional Parliament, next Wednesday during a current affairs debate, regarding the Pfas pollution issue.

The Brussels Minister of the Environment, Alain Maron, said on Friday that he had contacted Vivaqua as soon as he was informed at the end of January of problems with drinking water in Halle, distributed by the intermunicipal company.

The Flemish Minister of the Environment, Zuhal Demir (N-VA), sent a letter to her Walloon and Brussels counterparts on this subject.

Also read Pfas pollution: Wallonia strengthens its monitoring system

“The minister quickly obtained (on February 2) assurances that everything was in order in Brussels and that the problem in Halle was being taken care of in consultation with De Watergroep and the Flemish administrations concerned,” told the Belga agency on Friday. the spokesperson for Minister Maron. He also wanted to point out that the Brussels Minister of the Environment had “no jurisdiction over pollution in Halle, Vivaqua being an intermunicipal company and the Flemish Region being in charge of controlling the quality of drinking water on its territory “.

For the head of the MR group in the Brussels parliament, David Leisterh and the liberal MP Aurélie Czekalski, even if the minister wants to be reassuring, he must come and report to the regional representation as quickly as possible. “The urgency requires it so as not to create panic. We will not accept any endangerment of our fellow citizens,” they said in a press release.

Also read The tap water in Chièvres was contaminated with Pfas

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