Brunner Takes the Helm as Migration Commissioner in New EU Commission Leadership

Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) will be responsible for migration and home affairs in the new EU Commission. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented her list of the names of her new team and the assigned portfolios in Strasbourg on Tuesday.

Six executive vice-presidents are planned for the most relevant topics, four of whom are women and two are men. Von der Leyen stressed that 40 percent of her team was made up of women. Von der Leyen said in her press conference that she was convinced that Brunner would “master the migration dossier assigned to him with excellence”.

All candidates would be commissioners who would bear political responsibility and would not have to have a technical background: “Brunner has a legal background and an excellent background as a minister.”

The controversial Italian Raffaele Fitto from the far-right Fratelli d’Italia party was appointed by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni as Vice President for Cohesion, Regional Policy and Reforms. The Spaniard Teresa Ribero will be responsible for competition and will be responsible for green and digital change. The Finnish Henna Virkunen will be Vice President for Sovereignty and Security. The French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné will be given the important portfolio for industry, the internal market and small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Romanian MEP Roxana Minatzu will be responsible for education and skills. The last in the group is the EU’s chief diplomat Kaja Kallas. The current Slovakian Vice President Maroš Šefčovič will be given the new portfolio for trade and economic security. The previous Commission heavyweight Valdis Dombrovskis will also be given a key portfolio again with productivity and economy. The current Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhely will be responsible for health and animal welfare in the future. The Dutchman Wopke Hoekstra will remain Commissioner for Climate and Clean Growth. The Lithuanian Andrius Kubilius will be given the new portfolio for defense. The Slovenian Marta Kos, who has not yet been formally confirmed by Slovenia, is to become Enlargement Commissioner.

Portugal’s former finance minister Maria Luís Albuquerque will be given the portfolio for financial markets and investment union, for which Brunner was also considered. The Irishman Michael McGrath will be responsible for rule of law and justice, and the Luxembourger Christophe Hansen will be responsible for agriculture. The Polish EU ambassador Piotr Serafin will take over the budget portfolio from Johannes Hahn (ÖVP).

EU Parliament’s turn

Von der Leyen first discussed her list with the leaders of the parliamentary groups of the EU parliamentary parties on Tuesday morning. The presentation of the new EU Commission was uncertain until the very end: After the sudden withdrawal of the French EU Commissioner Thierry Breton and the subsequent nomination of Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné on Monday, the formal nomination of the Slovenian candidate Kos was still missing.

After the list has been presented, it is the EU Parliament’s turn: the hearings of the Commission candidates in the relevant specialist committees could start in mid-October. The entire Commission must be finally approved by Parliament before it can start as planned on December 1.


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What are the implications‌ of Magnus ⁢Brunner’s appointment as the EU ​Commissioner ⁤for Migration and Home Affairs? ‌

New ⁢EU Commission: Finance Minister Magnus Brunner to Handle Migration and Home Affairs

In a significant development,‍ Austrian Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) has been assigned the portfolio⁤ of migration and home⁢ affairs in the new EU Commission. This announcement was made by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen ‌on ⁣Tuesday in Strasbourg, ⁢as she presented her list of commissioners ⁤and their assigned portfolios.

A ‍Balanced Team ‍with 40% Female Representation

Von der Leyen emphasized that her team comprises 40%⁣ women, with six executive vice-presidents ​tasked with handling the most critical topics. Four of these vice-presidents are women, and two are men. The Commission President expressed confidence in Brunner’s ability to master the⁣ migration dossier, citing his ⁤legal background and excellent ministerial experience.

Other ​Key Appointments

In addition to Brunner, other notable appointments include:

​Raffaele Fitto, ⁣an Italian from⁤ the far-right Fratelli d’Italia party, who will serve as Vice President for‍ Cohesion, Regional Policy,⁣ and‌ Reforms.

Teresa Ribera, a Spaniard, who will be responsible⁣ for competition and green‌ and⁢ digital change.

Henna Virkunen, a Finn, who ⁤will serve as Vice President for Sovereignty and ‌Security.

‍ Stéphane Séjourné, the⁣ French ​Foreign Minister, who will handle the important portfolio of industry,⁤ internal market, and small⁤ and medium-sized enterprises.

Roxana Minatzu, a⁤ Romanian MEP, ‍who will⁢ be responsible for education ‌and skills.

Kaja ⁣Kallas, the EU’s chief diplomat, who will also hold a key position in the Commission.

Maroš Šefčovič, the current⁢ Slovakian Vice President, who will take over the​ new portfolio for trade and economic security.

⁢Valdis Dombrovskis, a former⁢ Commission heavyweight,‍ who will be responsible for‌ productivity and ⁣economy.

Next ​Steps

Before the ​new⁢ Commission can ⁣take office on⁤ December 1, the EU ‌Parliament must approve the entire team. ‌Hearings ⁢of the Commission candidates​ in the relevant specialist committees ​are expected to ‌begin in mid-October.

Reaction and Analysis

This​ development ‍is significant,⁤ as it ⁤indicates a shift⁤ in the EU’s approach to⁤ migration and home affairs. Brunner’s appointment is likely to be closely watched, given ‌the complexities and challenges associated with these portfolios. The EU Parliament’s approval process ‍will also ‍be crucial in determining the success of ⁢the new Commission.

Keyword‍ Tags: EU Commission, Magnus ​Brunner, Ursula von der Leyen, Migration, Home Affairs, European Union, Politics, Austria, ÖVP.

Meta Description: Austrian Finance Minister Magnus Brunner has been appointed to handle migration and home ‌affairs in the new EU Commission.⁤ Read more about the other key appointments and the next steps⁣ in the approval process.

Header Tags:

H1: New EU Commission: Finance Minister Magnus Brunner ⁤to Handle Migration and Home ‌Affairs

H2: A Balanced Team with 40% Female​ Representation

H2: Other Key Appointments

H2: Next Steps

* H2: Reaction and Analysis

– Who is Magnus Brunner and what role will he play in the EU Commission?

EU Commission’s New Team: Magnus Brunner to Lead Migration and Home Affairs

In a significant development, the European Union’s Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced her new team, with Austria’s Finance Minister, Magnus Brunner, set to take the reins as the EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs. This move comes as part of a broader reshuffle of the EU Commission, with a focus on key areas such as migration, competition, and climate change.

A Balanced Team with a Focus on Women

Von der Leyen has emphasized her commitment to a balanced team, with 40% of the commissioners being women. The new team consists of six executive vice-presidents, four of whom are women, and two men. This move marks a significant step towards greater gender equality in EU leadership positions.

Portfolios and Responsibilities

Magnus Brunner, with his legal background and experience as a minister, is well-equipped to handle the sensitive and critical dossier of migration and home affairs. The Italian Raffaele Fitto will serve as Vice President for Cohesion, Regional Policy, and Reforms, while the Spanish Teresa Ribero will be responsible for competition and green and digital change. The Finnish Henna Virkunen will oversee sovereignty and security, and the French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné will handle the important portfolio of industry, internal market, and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Other Key Appointments

Other notable appointments include the Romanian MEP Roxana Minatzu, who will focus on education and skills, and the EU’s chief diplomat, Kaja Kallas. The current Slovakian Vice President, Maroš Šefčovič, will take on the new portfolio of trade and economic security, while the previous Commission heavyweight, Valdis Dombrovskis, will be responsible for productivity and economy.

Implications of Brunner’s Appointment

The appointment of Magnus Brunner as the EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs has significant implications for the EU’s approach to migration policy. With the migrant crisis continuing to pose significant challenges to EU member states, Brunner’s experience and expertise will be crucial in shaping the EU’s response to this critical issue.

Next Steps: EU Parliament Approval

The EU Parliament will now review the list of commissioners and conduct hearings with the candidates in mid-October. The entire Commission must be approved by Parliament before it can assume office on December 1.

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Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in EU politics and policy with our ePaper. Read the full article and more in-depth analysis on the new EU Commission team and its implications for the EU.

What are the implications of Magnus Brunner’s appointment as the EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs?

Magnus Brunner’s appointment as the EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs marks a significant shift in the EU’s approach to migration policy. With his experience and expertise, Brunner is well-positioned to shape the EU’s response to the migrant crisis and address the ongoing challenges posed by migration. This article explores the implications of Brunner’s appointment and what it means for the EU’s migration policy.



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