Brunner Assumes Role of EU Migration Commissioner: “An Unexpected Delight

There was great anticipation as to which portfolio Magnus Brunner (VP) would receive. When he was appointed EU Commissioner, the Austrian Finance Minister had signalled his interest in the areas of competition, economy and finance. But EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had completely different ideas.

She announced on Tuesday in Strasbourg that Brunner will be responsible for internal security and migration in the future. A dossier that he will master excellently. “Brunner has a legal background and an excellent background as a minister,” said Von der Leyen. The 52-year-old from Vorarlberg studied law and completed postgraduate studies at King’s College London.

“I was pleasantly surprised that she trusted me to do this,” said Brunner this evening about von der Leyen’s decision. This task is a challenge and at the same time an opportunity to strengthen Europe’s security and values. In addition to the fight against illegal migration, Brunner named the development of a new security strategy as the goal and task of his work as Commissioner.

It will not be easy to reconcile the interests of all member states, he said. This is where his pragmatism comes in handy. One of Brunner’s tasks will also be to implement the EU asylum pact passed by the EU Parliament in May this year. But first he must pass the hearing of the Parliament.

The mammoth task

Before Brunner, Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (VP) had already praised his departmental responsibility effusively. “This is a special award for Austria, which has taken a strong and succinct stance on the migration issue,” said the Chancellor. Austria has shown at the national level that the asylum brake works and has achieved a decline in illegal border crossings from Hungary to Austria.

Nehammer is convinced that von der Leyen has correctly assessed Brunner’s abilities. “It’s not about sending a hardliner.” Rather, it is necessary to entrust a “connector” with this department, which is so sensitive for the EU. As finance minister, Brunner has shown that he can bring different interests together. Now he faces a mammoth task.



Ursula von der Leyen presented her personnel package with surprises on Tuesday.

The current Austrian EU Budget Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, described migration as a key challenge for the security and future of the EU.

Austria has always been given important powers. Franz Fischler was EU Commissioner for Agriculture for two terms, Benita Ferrero-Waldner was responsible for external relations. Johannes Hahn has been in the EU Commission since 2010 – first as Commissioner for EU enlargement, then he was responsible for EU regional policy and most recently the EU budget. All EU Commissioners to date have been appointed by the ÖVP.

SP parliamentary group leader Philip Kucher joked on Twitter about the new powers: “Von der Leyen looked at Brunner’s balance sheet and came to the conclusion: ‘The main thing is nothing to do with money!'” FP leader Herbert Kickl posted on Facebook that a commissioner was needed for remigration and not for migration. The Green EU delegation leader Thomas Waitz congratulated him. The president of the European Movement Austria, Christoph Leitl, also viewed the advancement positively.

The head of the Neos delegation in the EU Parliament, Helmut Brandstätter, speculated that Brunner’s portfolio was a task for the next government. “Above all, the ÖVP’s Schengen veto with regard to Romania and Bulgaria has meant that we still do not have a seamless and uniform external border,” he said. Brunner remained tight-lipped on the Schengen veto on Tuesday, referring to future talks on how to proceed.

It is not clear who will take over Brunner’s duties as finance minister. A new government will probably not be in place when he moves. Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (VP) could also take over the agenda, or a senior official in the department.

What are the main responsibilities of EU Commissioner Magnus Brunner regarding internal ⁢security and migration?

New EU Commissioner⁢ Magnus Brunner: A Pragmatic ⁤Leader for Internal Security and Migration

In​ a surprise ⁤move, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has appointed Magnus Brunner, the former Austrian⁣ Finance Minister,⁣ as the new ‍EU Commissioner for Internal Security and Migration. This portfolio was⁢ not among the areas Brunner ⁣had initially expressed interest​ in, but⁣ von der Leyen believes his ⁢legal background and ministerial experience make him an excellent fit for the role.

A Challenging⁢ Task Ahead

Brunner’s new responsibility comes with significant ​challenges.‍ He will be tasked with strengthening Europe’s security and values, while also reconciling the diverse interests of all EU member states. His first goal will be to implement the EU‌ asylum⁢ pact ⁣passed by ‌the EU Parliament in May this year. This will⁤ require balancing the needs‍ and concerns of ⁣different countries, a task that will demand his pragmatism and diplomatic skills.

Austria’s Strong Stance on Migration

Austria ⁣has been at the forefront of EU migration policy, with a⁤ strong stance on the⁢ issue. Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer praised Brunner’s appointment, saying it is a “special award for Austria” and a recognition of the country’s efforts to address the migration crisis. Austria’s experience in implementing an asylum brake, which has led to a decline in illegal border crossings, will be valuable ‌in Brunner’s new role.

Brunner’s Qualities

Von der Leyen highlighted ⁤Brunner’s⁤ legal ⁢background and‌ excellent ministerial experience as key factors ⁢in her decision. Brunner’s ability to bring different interests together, demonstrated during his tenure ⁣as finance minister, will ‍be crucial in finding solutions to the complex issues surrounding internal⁣ security and⁢ migration.

The ‌Mammoth​ Task

Brunner’s appointment was met with praise from ‍Austrian officials, including Federal Chancellor Nehammer, ​who believes von der Leyen‌ has correctly assessed Brunner’s abilities. Nehammer emphasized that Brunner’s role ‌will require a “connector” who can bridge the gap between different EU member states, rather than a hardliner.

What ​Lies Ahead

Brunner’s new ⁤role comes with significant responsibilities and challenges. He ⁢will need to navigate the complex ‌landscape of EU politics, balancing the needs of different countries ‌while ensuring the security and values of Europe are protected. His experience and pragmatism will be ⁢essential ‌in achieving this goal.

Key Takeaways

‍ Magnus Brunner,‌ former Austrian Finance Minister, has been appointed EU Commissioner​ for⁣ Internal Security and ⁤Migration.

Brunner’s legal⁣ background and ministerial experience make him an excellent fit for ‍the role.

His ⁤key tasks will include implementing the EU asylum ⁣pact and strengthening Europe’s security and values.

Austria’s strong stance⁢ on​ migration and experience with the asylum brake will be valuable in Brunner’s new role.

*​ Brunner’s pragmatism and diplomatic skills will be essential in reconciling the diverse interests of EU member states.

Optimized keywords: Magnus Brunner, EU Commissioner,​ Internal Security, Migration, Ursula von der Leyen, Austria, EU politics, asylum pact, ⁤migration crisis, European Union.



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