Brucellosis, an animal disease to watch out for | Handles

2024-10-02 13:51:47

What is brucellosis?

Brucellosis is a animal disease transmissible to humans (zoonosis). It is caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella. This bacterial zoonosis is widespread throughout the world and can affect humans as well as most species of mammals, notably domestic and wild ruminants, as well as swine (pigs and wild boars).

In animals, brucellosis can cause abortions, reduced fertility and milk loss. In addition, any animal or herd not certified free from brucellosis cannot move freely around the world. This disease can therefore be responsible for significant economic losses.

In humans, who become contaminated through contact with infected animals or by consuming raw dairy products, the disease results in intermittent fevers (notably heavy night sweats), pain, headaches and/or weakness. It can develop into a chronic form which can lead to serious osteoarticular complications in particular. Severe forms are exceptional and cases of death are very rare even in the absence of treatment.

Where is brucellosis widespread?

Brucellosis is a disease of worldwide distribution and importance. Only a few countries in northern, central and eastern Europe (France, Great Britain, Scandinavian countries, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland), Canada, Japan, Australia and New -Zealand are free from it in ruminants. In Europe, the Mediterranean countries and the Balkans are still affected by this disease.

The incidence of human brucellosis is estimated by the WHO worldwide at 500,000 new cases per year. In France, this disease is now rare, mainly contracted in third countries where animal disease is insufficiently or not controlled, or from food imported from these countries.

France has been officially declared free from bovine brucellosis since 2005.within the meaning of European regulations and no outbreak of bovine, ovine or caprine brucellosis was identified on the national territory from 2003 to 2012. However, two outbreaks of bovine brucellosis were confirmed in 2012 on French territory, therefore calling for to be vigilant regarding this zoonosis (Mailles et al., 2012 ; Rautureau et al., 2013). A first outbreak was due to the importation of infected cattle and was quickly cleaned up. The second outbreak is to be linked to a large wild reservoir discovered among ibex in the massif concerned (Hars et al., 2013).

In swine (pigs, wild boars), brucella infection reappeared in 1993 in open-air pig farming. More than 70 outbreaks have been recorded since then and, in most cases, the infection originates from populations of wild boars which occasionally come into contact with pigs raised outdoors (Hars & Garin-Bastuji, 2013).

How to prevent and avoid infection?

Transmission from animals to humans can occur through food or direct contact with the infected animal and its products (genital secretions, infected organs, contaminated manure or wool). THE Brucella which can infect humans are mainly found in domestic cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.

The people most exposed to infection are those working in direct contact with infected animals: breeders, veterinarians, inseminators, slaughterhouse or rendering staff. Likewise, brucellosis is one of the first infectious diseases contracted by laboratory personnel during veterinary or medical analyses.

Thus, hygiene and safety rules must be respected by all those who, through their work, come into contact with potentially infected products or animals: washing their hands, wearing gloves, masks and glasses, etc.

Concerning contamination through food, the main foods responsible for human brucellosis are raw milk and products based on raw milk (unripe cheese, butter, ice cream), contaminated and insufficiently cooked offal (liver, spleen), fruits and vegetables grown on soils treated with contaminated manure.

Control of food-borne contamination Brucella passes either through pasteurization or sterilization of milkor by the use of raw milk from herds officially recognized as free from brucellosis.

ANSES, reference laboratory

Due to its economic importance and the risk to human health, brucellosis is a major concern for national and international health organizations responsible for human or animal health.

The Anses animal health laboratory in Maisons-Alfort is a national, European, WHOA and FAO reference laboratory for animal brucellosis and a national reference center for human brucellosis. He is involved in the surveillance of animals and human cases in France. It coordinates the reference activities of a network of national and European laboratories. It also contributes to the development of prevention, surveillance and eradication strategies, in conjunction with national and international health organizations.

The research carried out at ANSES aims in particular to improve:

diagnostic tools for this infection in animals and humans; epidemiological knowledge of brucellosis in all susceptible species, domestic and wild, in order to improve risk analyzes and prevention and eradication strategies in humans and in animal populations.
#Brucellosis #animal #disease #watch #Handles



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