Brown discharge: are they caused by implantation?

The appearance of brown discharge can worry women. If they can be related to pregnancy, other causes can cause them.

Brown discharge is a mixture of white discharge and old blood. But are they related to a possible implantation?

What is implantation? What are the symptoms of this body phenomenon? What are other potential causes of brown discharge? Can implantation cause brown discharge: here are all our answers to your questions.

What is implantation?

This phenomenon is a key stage in early pregnancy. It’s regarding when the embryo completely penetrates the uterine lining. This stage takes place between the 7th and 10th day following fertilization.

During this period, the HCG hormone begins to be released. Its rate doubles every 2 to 3 days until regarding the 8th week of pregnancy. Moreover, it is by measuring the level of HCG in the blood or in the urine that we confirm or not a pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of implantation?

Brown losses in panties

Although the implantation takes place at the very beginning of the pregnancy, it is possible to be subject to some symptoms.

Vaginal discharge

Several types of discharge can occur during these first days of pregnancy.

  • White discharge : very frequent, they are not necessarily due to pregnancy. However, an abundant amount of such discharge may portend an implantation of an embryo.
  • Bleeding : you hesitate? You don’t know if it’s your period or a possible pregnancy? Be aware that bleeding due to implantation is more liquid and less abundant than menstruation. In addition, the blood is less thick and rather brown or pink.

If in doubt, take a pregnancy test at least 12 days following the ovulation period.

Symptoms similar to those of menstruation

It is not so obvious to differentiate the symptoms of implantation from those of the onset of menstruation. Indeed, the signs are very similar:

  • need to urinate more frequently
  • hard, swollen and painful breasts
  • lower back pain
  • constipation, colic, sour stomach
  • nausea or even vomiting (especially when waking up)
  • dislike of certain foods and various smells
  • cravings for particular foods, need to snack
  • severe fatigue (drowsiness) following meals

Some women have more painful periods than others. The same goes for implantation. While some face several symptoms that are sometimes very unpleasant, others feel nothing. It varies from woman to woman but also from one pregnancy to another. Unfortunately, you cannot control it.

What are other causes of brown discharge?

The pill can cause brown discharge

The more you desire pregnancy, the more likely you are to experience the various symptoms. Even if you have to remain vigilant in the face of the different signs, try to be patient. You might be disappointed in case of misinterpretation.

If you doubt, know that other causes may involve brown discharge. Stay informed to identify the cause of your bleeding.

On the pill

You begin a new pill ? It is possible that it is dosed incorrectly. It is therefore not suitable for you and may cause some unusual losses. Have you been taking the same pill for years? Justan oversight or a slight discrepancy for your body to react.

The period

The symptoms of implantation are very similar to those of menstruation. At the beginning and end of the period of menstruationit is not uncommon to have a few brown discharge.

Ovulation capable of generating brown discharge

During the period of ovulation, estrogen levels increase. The uterine wall develops and progesterone enters. However, if there is an imbalance between the 2 hormones (more estrogen and less progesterone), the uterine wall does not thicken. It can then cause light brown or pink bleeding.

The pregnancy

It is not uncommon for old blood to leak out early in pregnancy. It is therefore quite possible that you have some brown discharge.

The premenopause

In this case, the brownish discharge is usually accompanied by other symptoms. Indeed, women who face premenopause often have:

In this case, there is nothing to worry regarding. However, feel free to consult to limit the inconvenience and know what to do.

Other causes

Your bleeding may be accompanied by:

  • bad smells
  • sharp pains
  • burns
  • itching

In this case, it is better to consult. In the best-case scenario, you may have a simple vaginal infection. Taken in time, it heals very well. However, this may reveal a more serious problem such as a uterine fibroid or a polyp. The sooner you treat the problem, the more serious complications you avoid.

Brown discharge and nidation: what to remember

The causes of brown discharge are many. Indeed, it is possible that implantation is the cause of this bleeding. This gives you a lot of hope and we understand that. That said, do the necessary examinations before convincing yourself of your pregnancy. The psychological aspect has a strong impact on the onset of symptoms.



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