Broken Sword – Shadows of the Templars Reforged review: History repeats itself

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Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, we’re diving into the world of video games with a twist! It’s like your favorite sitcom characters have come together to discuss a game that’s trying to remember whether it’s a classic or just a family member who’s overstayed their welcome!

So we’re talking about Broken Sword – Shadow of the Templars: Reforged. Yes, "Reforged!" Because just like leftovers, sometimes it’s nice to reheat something you might’ve cast aside. But let’s see if this is the gourmet meal or just yesterday’s pizza with a sprinkle of nostalgia!

The Scoop

Platforms? We’ve got Xbox, PS5, PC, and even Switch! It’s like that cousin who tries to fit in at all family gatherings. But let’s be honest, if you’re gaming on the Switch, you’re just daring your joy-cons to pop off mid-game, right?

Now, this game is rated 12+. That’s perfect! Just old enough for mild swearing and significantly older than the age when you realize that the real treasure was the friends we made along the way… or was it the loot? Who’s counting, eh?

Verdict: Three Stars!

Ah, three stars. That’s not the Michelin rating we were hoping for, is it? More like that friend who always wants to have a good time, but somehow keeps ordering the same terrible cocktail that looks like it was blended with regret.

The Premise

Picture this: We open on an explosion at a French café. Suddenly, you’re sucked into a web of intrigue with lost treasures and menacing cults. It’s like your last Tinder date—started with a bang but rapidly descended into mystery!

Broken Sword takes us back to our beloved 90s with its puzzles—some of which are as obvious as a Shakespearean twist, while others sound like they’ve been extrapolated from the riddles of an ancient goat. And yes, I mean the infamous goat puzzle! Because what’s a good game without a character that makes you question your sanity and existential purpose?

The Gameplay

This game has got simple interactions: pick-up, examine… and "Good Lord, why did I think that would work?" The nostalgia train rolls on with puzzles that will have you screaming at your screen—something you usually reserve for your in-laws!

Now, let’s talk about that goat puzzle. It appears in a chapter so full of cheesiness you’d think they were smuggling Chernobyl cheese! There’s a lad outside the pub with an accent that sounds like it’s making a desperate plea for a proper speech therapist.

You’re whisked around the globe like a traveling circus, except without the delightful clowns—just disillusionment and dubious accents! There’s even a workman digging ten meters from an explosion, claiming he saw nothing. That, my friends, is the real miracle of the game!

The Charm and the Confusion

But here’s the kicker—the game offers a “hint system” now, a shiny new feature for you to engage with when you’re stuck in one of those "what the devil am I doing?" moments. Think of it like that friend who just shows up at the perfect time with takeout and bad reality TV recommendations… you love him, but you also kind of wish he’d just let you make your own mistakes!

So, what about that old friend, Reforged? It’s fulfilling in a familiar kind of way, like a night with the Chablis you once swore you’d never touch again! You’ll find it has charm, but will you be yearning for the past or questioning your decisions after long hours of gameplay? A bit of both!

In Summary:

Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars – Reforged is one for the nostalgic—it pulls at your heartstrings, only to remind you that time hasn’t been quite so kind. If you’re up for a ride that combines fond memories with a slight dose of confusion and bewilderment, jump on! But keep your expectations dressed up in casual Friday wear—laid back, comfortable, but ultimately still questionable!

Keep playing, keep puzzling, and never forget: sometimes, the most enigmatic treasures are hidden at the bottom of your laundry basket! Cheers!

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