Britney Spears’ relatives are worried about her health


The singer has had behaviors that are not usual for her.


Britney Spears caused controversy and concern with some posts she made on her official Instagram profile, because there she posted photos of her half-naked, others dancing chaotically, recycled images of her wedding, her vacations, and phrases and photos that are not her own. .

The little princess of pop also starred in a scandal in a restaurant in Los Angeles a few days ago, where she had an extremely strange behavior that made her husband Sam Asghari leave the establishment, leaving the singer alone with the waiter in front of her, while she said words to the air without any coherence.

This news reminded us of those episodes prior to the mental crisis that the singer had in 2007, which led her to behave violently and erratically, to the point of shaving her head and attacking a car with an umbrella, without first intimidating the hundreds of paparazzi who followed her day and night to capture her every move she made.

But this does not seem to end, as details of a new crisis that Britney Spears might be going through due to the excessive consumption of medications that “excite” her and make her lose her temper more frequently.

sources close to TMZ They said that the singer is abusing narcotics and therefore some relatives and friends had to intervene. So much so that they declared that “they fear that he is going to die” and that is why his manager took action on the matter.

This happened last Tuesday, but Britney Spears realized what they were planning and chose to return home. The plan to help the artist failed and many of her followers hope that she herself realizes that she needs psychiatric treatment.

“Oops!”, Britney Spears tries to sing one of her songs and it comes out terrible

Rumors regarding the mental and physical health of Britney Spears continue to surface thanks to everything that she herself publishes on her personal Instagram account, publications that are often inconsistent and controversial.

This happened a few weeks ago, when Britney might no longer take all the comments that were made to her on Twitter due to some videos that circulated of her erratic behavior in a restaurant, where she supposedly had a strong fight with her husband and she decided to act inconsistently. she barely saw that she was being filmed, which unleashed a whole tsunami of comments regarding whether or not she needs confinement once more.

For this reason, Spears had no remorse in deactivating her account and her fans were so scared that several of them called the Police to search her address, because they claimed that the singer was in danger following no longer having a presence on Instagram, a matter that she addressed on Twitter calling on her fans to please stop meddling in her privacy, because they had already “crossed the line ”.

Among these dancing videos, the singer reworked one that excited all her fansbecause in it you might only see the roof of what would be his recording studio, but what was important was what was heard: the voice of Britney herself interpreting one of her greatest hits: ‘Oops!… I Did It Again’; however, the discomfort was great, Well, the tone and color of the singer was not as expected and many were left without what to say regarding it.

This was not only noticed by Britney’s 41.6 million followers, but she herself realized how atrocious her voice was and how out of tune it sounded, for which she decided to download the video and later apologized with another video in which She looks very happy wearing a golden dress with fringes, which she was in charge of moving with her characteristic hip movements and even managed to say where she will use it once more, a moment that has to be set with one of the most famous rhythms in Puerto Rich and Columbia.

“Shit! Fucking mistake ????!!! I posted the wrong video of me singing yesterday and once I did, I tried to play with the title! Embrace the fall!!! Yeah, and try to pretend…yes, that’s me! I was in the studio playing and accidentally posted that version! Mortified, completely mortified ????????????!!! Anyway… This is me last night in my new gold dress!!! I think I need to dance salsa with him ???????????? !!!”, wrote the little princess of pop in her publication.

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