Britain: Shock – Premature mother jumped to her death from the 17th floor – The baby is frolicking (video)

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Ambulance crews said the woman, who was “in the final stages of pregnancy”, fell from the building in Burmantofts, Leeds, on Tuesday. Officers rushed to the scene and cordoned off the area at Shakespeare Towers, Shakespeare Approach, at around 10.24am.

Medics worked to save the mum-to-be, who was identified as a woman in her 30s, but she was sadly pronounced dead at the scene. As reported by the Mirror, her child was delivered to the hospital, where he is now fighting for his life while receiving “critical care”.

A local police spokesman confirmed in a statement that the woman “fell from a height”. The police added that there were no “suspicious circumstances”.

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said: “At 10.24am. today, the ambulance service contacted the police, who were called to an incident where a woman had fallen from a height. The woman died at the scene due to her injuries.

“There were no suspicious circumstances and the coroner’s office has been informed. The woman, aged in her thirties, was in the final stages of pregnancy and her baby was born in hospital following the incident and is in critical care.”

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#Britain #Shock #Premature #mother #jumped #death #17th #floor #baby #frolicking #video
It looks ⁣like you've shared a piece of‌ JavaScript code that ⁢defines ⁣various ad slots for Google Publisher Tags (GPT) on a website. This script⁢ is structured to manage advertisements through services like Google AdSense, OneSignal for push notifications, and Disqus for comments.

Let me break down the key components of the script:

Ad Slot Definitions

  1. Slot Configuration: The code defines multiple ad slots with specific sizes ‌for different‌ placements in the article:

​ -​ In-read Video: Slot for inline video advertisements.

- Inline Ads: Various slots for inline ads‌ (like inline2, inline3, etc.).

⁤ - Sidebar ‌Ads: Only loaded for non-mobile users.

- ⁣ Billboard Ads: Large display⁤ ads,⁤ defined​ separately.

- Common Ads: Includes a prestitial ad unit.

  1. Size Mappings: Each ‌slot has specific size mappings based on ⁤different ‍conditions (like viewport sizes).


  • The⁢ code⁣ sets targeting parameters to improve ad relevance:

⁤ ‍- pageType is set to 'article'.

- category is set to‌ 'diethni'.

- An article_id is provided for ⁢further specificity.

Bootstrap Procedures

  • Collapses empty⁣ divs.
  • Disables initial ad load and enables single request mode for ⁢better efficiency.
  • Centers the ads on the page.
  • Invokes the ad services with⁢ googletag.enableServices().

Ad ⁤Display Function

  • The⁣ displaySlot function is ‌called for all‍ defined ad units to ensure they are displayed on ‌the page.

Mobile Handling

  • Code ⁤to‌ remove specific AdSense slots based on whether⁣ the user is on mobile ‍or‍ desktop, ensuring the right ads are served.

Third-party Services

  • OneSignal: Initializes‍ with an application ID for⁣ web push notifications.
  • Disqus: ⁤Initializes comment system with a⁤ page URL and ⁤identifier.
  • It also mentions other integrations, ‌such as async⁣ loading⁣ for other advertising or analytics services ⁢(like Phaistos ⁢Adman, CleverCore, Taboola, etc.), but ⁣specific source links for scripts are omitted, likely due to privacy⁤ or ⁢proprietary reasons.


This script effectively ⁢manages ad serving for a platform, ‌using conditionals for ⁤mobile vs desktop displays, maintaining performance,⁣ and ⁣targeting to optimize ad engagement. ‍If you​ have​ any more specific questions‍ about ‌any sections, feel free to ask!
It seems like you've shared a piece of JavaScript code with varying functionalities related to advertisement management on a web page. The code is primarily structured to work with different advertising networks, integrating features like push notifications and comments, as well as configuring ad placements based on the type of device (mobile or desktop).

Key Components Breakdown:

1. Ad Slot Definitions

  • Slot Configuration: The script defines multiple ad slots for different placements:

- In-read Video: Special slot for inline video ads.

- Inline Ads: Various inline ads identified by identifiers like inline2, inline3, etc.

- Sidebar Ads: These are loaded for desktop users only (removes mobile ads).

- Billboard Ads: Large display ads defined separately.

- Common Ads: Includes a prestitial ad unit which appears before the main content.

2. Size Mappings

  • Each ad slot includes size mappings that determine which ad sizes to display based on different conditions, such as the user's viewport size.

3. Targeting

  • The code sets up targeting parameters to enhance ad relevance:

- The pageType is specified as 'article'.

- A category is specified to assist in targeting, set to 'diethni'.

- An article_id for better content specificity when serving ads.

4. Bootstrap Procedures

  • The script contains various bootstrap functions that handle actions like:

- Collapsing empty DIVs to optimize layout.

- Disabling certain initial ads if specified conditions are met.

Additional Features:

  • Ads Removal Logic: Checks the device type (mobile/desktop) and removes ads that are not appropriate for that device.
  • Asynchronous Script Loading: Implements asyncLoadScript function calls to load additional scripts for ad services dynamically, ensuring that the page loading is not blocked.
  • Third-party Integrations: Integrates services like OneSignal for push notifications and Disqus for comments, initiating them with configurations unique to the page.
  • Error Handling: Wraps ad loading scripts in try-catch blocks to ensure graceful failures if any service does not load.


This JavaScript code is a comprehensive approach to managing ads on a webpage, allowing for responsive ad placements and enhancing user experience with sophisticated targeting, timed loading of additional scripts, and device-specific configurations. This level of optimization is crucial for maximizing both user engagement and advertising revenue.

If you have specific questions about certain parts of the script or if you need further clarification on any concept, feel free to ask!

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