2023-12-20 01:15:58
Is the establishment of a new private clinic from the Clinifutur group in Mayotte still relevant?
Luc Triboulet: Yes of course. As you know, the Clinifutur group already works closely with Mayotte, as evidenced by the establishment for almost 12 years of the Maydia structure in Mayotte to care for patients suffering from chronic kidney failure. Also, the clinics of the Clinifutur group in Reunion also welcome medical evacuations in three specialties, namely the management of renal failure, interventional cardiology and the oncology sector.
Mayotte Dialysis Center, MAYDIA, from the Clinifutur group (DR)
For these specialties that you mention, the only way to be taken care of is to go to Reunion?
Luc Triboulet: Very often, due to a lack of treatment in Mayotte, certain Mahorais patients find themselves alone, faced with a real health “journey”. In the best case, patients with renal failure can benefit from the installation of arterial-venous fistulas in Reunion, to be dialyzed in Mayotte at the Maydia dialysis center. But for many other pathologies, such as heart attacks, treatment can only be done in Reunion, the same for example, for oncology, where all gynecological and urological cancers can be treated in our services.
By creating a clinic in Mayotte, you hope to reduce the number of medical evacuations and the travel of Mayotte patients, who because they cannot be treated in Mayotte, are forced to finance their own travel to Reunion to be cure ?
The majority of medical evacuations from Mayotte take place to Reunion
Luc Triboulet: Exactly. More than 300 medical evacuations per year are received at the Sainte Clotilde clinic in Reunion, not counting the patients, nearly 5,000 memory patients, who come on their own, paying for their own plane ticket , to seek treatment, which are therefore not counted in medical evacuations. These trips remain difficult for patients, both from a health, financial, material and even psychological point of view. This often represents a loss of opportunity for patients, forced to “build” their own health “journey” on their own, by knocking on the right doors, by having the material, financial and family means to travel to La Meeting.
Attracting health professionals to Mayotte, and even more so specialists, is a major difficulty that the Mayotte Hospital Center faces every day. How do you hope to attract and retain health professionals?
Luc Triboulet: The political and social context is particularly difficult in Mayotte currently. To build this project, we questioned our medical teams to find out if any practitioners would be interested in coming to provide care in Mayotte and we received a lot of positive feedback! The success of this project lies in the fact that health professionals would be available to come on missions, organized in the form of norias, so as to ensure continuity of care for Mahorais patients directly in Mayotte, while allowing practitioners to stay in Reunion. Thus, the medical and surgical services would function thanks to the permanence of professionals from Reunion Island who would take turns. But not only ! This clinic also hopes to retain Mahorais health professionals. We have heard that a 2nd Nursing Training Institute (IFSI) will be created in 2024, and that a school of operating room nurses will open in 2025. These para-medical vital forces will have their place in this establishment. health.
The nursing training institute, a job prospect for nurses trained in Mayotte
How can we explain that 2 years following the announcement of the implementation project, the clinic has still not seen the light of day?
Luc Triboulet: This project was delayed by land issues. The first land under sale agreement in the commune of Chirongui turned out to be mainly in an area classified as having a high “flood hazard” by the services of the Department of the Environment, Planning, Housing and the Sea of Mayotte (DEALM). This is why the group signed a new compromise on nearby land, still in the commune of Chirongui. However, on these lands, a “wet zone” was recently detected. On December 21, a meeting between the DEALM services and our group will be held. We hope from this meeting that it will lead to a consultation around suitable ground for starting work on the future establishment.
Comments collected by Mathilde Hangard.
#Clinifutur #preparing #medicalsurgical #offer #Mayotte